Sharable Horizon
Lvl 31 Rogue God Emperor
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Mass Effect Andromeda, Anthem
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Sharable Horizon
Lvl 31 Rogue God Emperor
December 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Mass Effect Andromeda, Anthem
Post by Sharable Horizon on Jul 21, 2017 11:12:26 GMT
I'll never for the life of me understand this rivalry between Bioware fans and CDPR fans. It's because their mothers are hamsters and their fathers smell of elderberries! :rage:
Sept 2, 2016 19:28:30 GMT
Ser Barksalot - Hiatus
Sept 2, 2016 18:49:21 GMT
September 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquistion, KOTOR, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda
Post by shechinah on Jul 21, 2017 12:17:59 GMT
I think it largely stems from when TW3 was released and then compared to DA:I, causing the general online perception to be that DA:I sucks and is overrated while TW3 is the new standard-bearer of RPGs. Shitposting ensued. I think I may be able to provide some insight, at least, in regards to the Bioware forums and how I remember it. It goes all the way back to the official forums where there were posters who wanted Bioware to look at Witcher 3 which was fine and good. A thread was formed that was specifically about the Witcher series and what could be learned from it. But, see, the thread also gave you a decent insight into which posters actually wanted to provide feedback for the betterment of the Dragon Age series and which posters just wanted to throw verbal rocks at Bioware and the people who liked Dragon Age: Inquisition. Let's take the most prominent example back on those forums: Dutch. See, Dutch made numerous threads but said thread tended to lack constructivity and seemed mostly made to insult Dragon Age: Inquisition, Bioware and the fans that liked Dragon Age: Inquisition. The reason I use the word insults in regards to the former two instead of the word criticism or feedback is because I consider that criticism or feedback should be constructive in some way and as said, that tended to be lacking in Dutch's thread about those subjects. His remarks on people who liked Dragon Age: Inquisition was just plain insults. One example was how people who liked the game clearly must not have played any good games and other belittling or disparaging remarks. To put it simply: Dutch's threads were not "Here is what I think Bioware could learn from Witcher 3", it was "Dragon Age: Inquisition suck, Bioware suck and you suck." And see, I did frequent the Witcher 3 feedback thread from time to time as a lurker and I cannot ever recall Dutch having made a single post in the thread. It wasn't as if Dutch didn't know about the Witcher 3 Feedback thread since when his threads were closed by moderators for that reason, the closing post usually contained a link that led to the Witcher 3 Feedback thread. Yet Dutch kept on making threads of that derogatory nature. Unfortunately, this meant that posters like Dutch became the loud minority and with what CDProjekt and the Witcher series was associated with while the civilized majority were not because, well, they mostly left the feedback and discussion about Witcher 3 in the thread it was meant for. That's kind of the sad thing about these kinds of things. The former kind of behavior tends to foster an atmosphere of hostility towards certain topics and ruin it for everybody.
July 2017
Post by mendelbear1 on Jul 21, 2017 13:26:29 GMT
I know what you mean; I'm new to this site and have already gotten the vibe that bringing up Witcher 3 here is Flame Bait for some. Back on topic, It sounds like a good idea to give copies of ME:A to goodwill, but (my mixed feelings on the game aside) that relies on the people receiving it owning a console to play it. How's that being addressed?
I'll relinquish one bullet. Where do you want it?
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda
Origin: LogicGunn
PSN: LogicGunn
Posts: 909 Likes: 1,848
I'll relinquish one bullet. Where do you want it?
November 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda
Post by LogicGunn on Jul 21, 2017 13:42:37 GMT
Why is it not ok to like both Bioware and CD Projekt RED?
CAUSE I DO! I love the Witcher series. I love all the MEs and DAs.
Fuck it, while I'm at it, I love Bethesda games too.
Why does it always have to be some dumb-ass, BS, point scoring, one-upmanship competition?
We are all gamers here, can we act like it instead of being arseholes?
September 2016
Post by Fredward on Jul 21, 2017 13:49:18 GMT
Champion of the Raven Queen
August 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Mass Effect Andromeda
Post by maximusarael020 on Jul 21, 2017 14:17:09 GMT
Why is it not ok to like both Bioware and CD Projekt RED? CAUSE I DO! I love the Witcher series. I love all the MEs and DAs. Fuck it, while I'm at it, I love Bethesda games too. Why does it always have to be some dumb-ass, BS, point scoring, one-upmanship competition? We are all gamers here, can we act like it instead of being arseholes? Whoa, whoa, Bethesda games?? Now you've gone too far! Jk, I like some Bethesda games, too. I enjoy games from many studios, in fact.
Sept 2, 2016 19:28:30 GMT
Ser Barksalot - Hiatus
Sept 2, 2016 18:49:21 GMT
September 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquistion, KOTOR, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda
Post by shechinah on Jul 21, 2017 14:53:31 GMT
Why is it not ok to like both Bioware and CD Projekt RED? Because damn it, we all know people cannot have more than one game at a time that they play. That's just silly. I mean, have you ever seen a gamer with a collection of games? That's absurd! On a serious note, the gaming world is better for the presence of both and I see nothing gained from the absence of one of them. We're richer for the diversity in games and if there are games that we find no merit in playing then we can simply abstain from their purchase. I don't see the merit in hoping for a series to cease or a company close merely because their games is or is no longer of interest to the person having that hope. Frankly, I find that to be a petty and selfish wish. Furthermore, both Bioware and CDProjekt express a liking of the other and members of the respective companies play each other's games. They congratulate each other on respective releases and accomplishments.
Deleted Member
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Nov 26, 2024 19:38:49 GMT
Nov 26, 2024 19:38:49 GMT
January 1970
Post by Deleted on Jul 21, 2017 15:07:13 GMT
Why is it not ok to like both Bioware and CD Projekt RED? CAUSE I DO! I love the Witcher series. I love all the MEs and DAs. Fuck it, while I'm at it, I love Bethesda games too. Why does it always have to be some dumb-ass, BS, point scoring, one-upmanship competition? We are all gamers here, can we act like it instead of being arseholes? Damn right!
Mar 26, 2017 12:17:45 GMT
March 2017
Post by jclosed on Jul 21, 2017 15:33:49 GMT
Why is it not ok to like both Bioware and CD Projekt RED? CAUSE I DO! I love the Witcher series. I love all the MEs and DAs. Fuck it, while I'm at it, I love Bethesda games too. Why does it always have to be some dumb-ass, BS, point scoring, one-upmanship competition? We are all gamers here, can we act like it instead of being arseholes? Well said! As an matter of fact, like someone above me already mentioned - The developers of Bioware and CDPR respect each other (more than some people here seem to do), and play each other games. I know CDPR also was also very helpful to Guerrilla Games, the developers of Horizon zero Dawn (yep, I'm a bit biased because Guerilla Games are situated in my home country - sorry). So the flamed stuff here is certainly not felled between the developers themselves... Oh - And I have a collection of games from Bioware, CDPR and Bethesda too (amongst many, many others) and I love all of them.
April 2017
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Mass Effect Andromeda
Post by abaris on Jul 21, 2017 16:13:45 GMT
Fuck it, while I'm at it, I love Bethesda games too. For different reasons I do too. They don't provide me with story or companion interactions to speak of, but with lots of laid back exploration. As for CD projects, I don't play games with fixed protagonists anymore. They bore me to bits. I want to create my own version of hero, not what the company hands me.
Mar 30, 2017 17:08:54 GMT
March 2017
Post by setokaiba on Jul 21, 2017 16:16:05 GMT
Why is it not ok to like both Bioware and CD Projekt RED? CAUSE I DO! I love the Witcher series. I love all the MEs and DAs. Fuck it, while I'm at it, I love Bethesda games too. Why does it always have to be some dumb-ass, BS, point scoring, one-upmanship competition? We are all gamers here, can we act like it instead of being arseholes? This. I don't get why everyone just can't enjoy Bethesda, Bioware and CDPR games for what they are instead of crying and fighting over which company has the bigger d*ck. I don't play Mass Effect for it to be Witcher in Space, I didn't play Witcher for it to be Fallout in....... where ever the Witcher is located again(Poland or something I don't remember) and I don't want Fallout to be Dragon Age after a nuclear holocaust( Even the idea of a RadDragon would be cool). They are they own RPGs and each do something different that I love about each of them and I put 100s upon 100s of hours into them. Hell I love them all so much I based one of my Fallout 4 characters off Solas.
Uncle Cyan
Dang it.
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Shattered Steel, Neverwinter Nights, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda
Origin: griffonclaw39
Posts: 2,516 Likes: 2,607
Uncle Cyan
Nov 17, 2024 18:04:04 GMT
Dang it.
March 2017
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Shattered Steel, Neverwinter Nights, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda
Post by Cyan_Griffonclaw on Jul 21, 2017 16:20:38 GMT
I know what you mean; I'm new to this site and have already gotten the vibe that bringing up Witcher 3 here is Flame Bait for some. Back on topic, It sounds like a good idea to give copies of ME:A to goodwill, but (my mixed feelings on the game aside) that relies on the people receiving it owning a console to play it. How's that being addressed? A lot of kids with little money in their pockets can seize in on the opportunity. My boxing gym is right next to one and after embarrassing myself for 40 minutes and earning the name, "White Collar Palooka," I head over there for any furniture that I can buy on the cheap and restore at home. There are always bins of games, but I never see the good stuff. It's usually gone in a few days and since it's summer... if they have any good games, chances are the kids are already got them first.
Hope for the best, plan for the worst
Mar 15, 2017 21:36:52 GMT
March 2017
Post by griffith82 on Jul 21, 2017 16:21:27 GMT
Salty? It is so funny how you guys go nuts over the mere mention of CDPR. I mean, at least they are taking their time with the game and not put out a rushed product. Meh, it stems from fanwars from the old BSN. Oh lord don't remind me.
Uncle Cyan
Dang it.
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Shattered Steel, Neverwinter Nights, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda
Origin: griffonclaw39
Posts: 2,516 Likes: 2,607
Uncle Cyan
Nov 17, 2024 18:04:04 GMT
Dang it.
March 2017
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Shattered Steel, Neverwinter Nights, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda
Post by Cyan_Griffonclaw on Jul 21, 2017 16:23:26 GMT
Fuck it, while I'm at it, I love Bethesda games too. For different reasons I do too. They don't provide me with story or companion interactions to speak of, but with lots of laid back exploration. As for CD projects, I don't play games with fixed protagonists anymore. They bore me to bits. I want to create my own version of hero, not what the company hands me. And that's why I have a problem with Geralt. It's Geralt. I can't make him into being me. Games where I can't see the protagonist or allows customization for one is what allows me to immerse myself into the game. I've put my personal touch on it and can make it mine. There is nothing wrong with the Witcher series, but it just wasn't for me.
Chaotic Good
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Neverwinter Nights, Mass Effect Andromeda
Posts: 586 Likes: 1,434
Sept 16, 2021 21:34:12 GMT
Chaotic Good
Mar 17, 2017 19:49:37 GMT
March 2017
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Neverwinter Nights, Mass Effect Andromeda
Post by Monica21 on Jul 21, 2017 16:23:54 GMT
This. I don't get why everyone just can't enjoy Bethesda, Bioware and CDPR games for what they are instead of crying and fighting over which company has the bigger d*ck. I don't play Mass Effect for it to be Witcher in Space, I didn't play Witcher for it to be Fallout in....... where ever the Witcher is located again(Poland or something I don't remember) and I don't want Fallout to be Dragon Age after a nuclear holocaust( Even the idea of a RadDragon would be cool). They are they own RPGs and each do something different that I love about each of them and I put 100s upon 100s of hours into them. Hell I love them all so much I based one of my Fallout 4 characters off Solas. Like, I fucking hate Bethesda games, but if that's how someone wants to spend their time, then more power to you. Enjoy your gaming. The only time I get bothered is when developers see what they think is a trend towards open-world games so a developer *cough*bioware*cough* that isn't good at open-world then tries it, it's terrible. Bioware is really good at telling a tight story and having well-written characters, and they should go back to that. I don't buy Bethesda games for a reason. I don't want Bethesda to have an influence on my Bioware games.
Deleted Member
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Nov 26, 2024 19:38:49 GMT
Nov 26, 2024 19:38:49 GMT
January 1970
Post by Deleted on Jul 21, 2017 16:27:24 GMT
This. I don't get why everyone just can't enjoy Bethesda, Bioware and CDPR games for what they are instead of crying and fighting over which company has the bigger d*ck. I don't play Mass Effect for it to be Witcher in Space, I didn't play Witcher for it to be Fallout in....... where ever the Witcher is located again(Poland or something I don't remember) and I don't want Fallout to be Dragon Age after a nuclear holocaust( Even the idea of a RadDragon would be cool). They are they own RPGs and each do something different that I love about each of them and I put 100s upon 100s of hours into them. Hell I love them all so much I based one of my Fallout 4 characters off Solas. Like, I fucking hate Bethesda games, but if that's how someone wants to spend their time, then more power to you. Enjoy your gaming. The only time I get bothered is when developers see what they think is a trend towards open-world games so a developer *cough*bioware*cough* that isn't good at open-world then tries it, it's terrible. Bioware is really good at telling a tight story and having well-written characters, and they should go back to that. I don't buy Bethesda games for a reason. I don't want Bethesda to have an influence on my Bioware games. My only issue is that. Same with TW3. I loved TW2, DAO and DA2, as well as the MET, but when all of their continuations opted for open word, it started to stress me out big time! It works for TES, but they ruined Zelda for me by attempting to replicate those types of games.
Mar 30, 2017 17:08:54 GMT
March 2017
Post by setokaiba on Jul 21, 2017 16:34:11 GMT
This. I don't get why everyone just can't enjoy Bethesda, Bioware and CDPR games for what they are instead of crying and fighting over which company has the bigger d*ck. I don't play Mass Effect for it to be Witcher in Space, I didn't play Witcher for it to be Fallout in....... where ever the Witcher is located again(Poland or something I don't remember) and I don't want Fallout to be Dragon Age after a nuclear holocaust( Even the idea of a RadDragon would be cool). They are they own RPGs and each do something different that I love about each of them and I put 100s upon 100s of hours into them. Hell I love them all so much I based one of my Fallout 4 characters off Solas. Like, I fucking hate Bethesda games, but if that's how someone wants to spend their time, then more power to you. Enjoy your gaming. The only time I get bothered is when developers see what they think is a trend towards open-world games so a developer *cough*bioware*cough* that isn't good at open-world then tries it, it's terrible. Bioware is really good at telling a tight story and having well-written characters, and they should go back to that. I don't buy Bethesda games for a reason. I don't want Bethesda to have an influence on my Bioware games. It depends on the influence. I don't mind that Bethesda improved their companion system by making it similar to Biowares(it's not as good as Biowares but it's a step toward it). I don't mind Bioware doing open world it just a matter of doing it right. Bethesda(and CDPR for that matter) fill their worlds with a lot of side content like dealing with factions of that area or exploring ruins. Bioware just got to stop filling their worlds with busy work. But I do lean toward you that Bioware should not do open world RPGs.
Nov 25, 2024 16:14:33 GMT
#more Asari
Mar 19, 2017 16:14:51 GMT
March 2017
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquistion, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda
UEG ShadowAngel
Post by ShadowAngel on Jul 21, 2017 16:40:06 GMT
Developers pretty much copy or borrow off each other in hopes of doing it better than the other. Innovative ideas have been lost for some time (but you'll see an exception every now and then) so now it's all about "how can we implement what they did, but do it better in the process?" It's resulted in a lot of franchises losing their identities trying to take over another but in the end you end up with a generic industry that plays it safe rather than reaching for something new and different from its competitors.
Biowares open world take isn't going to win any awards and it's caused rifts in the playerbase where some prefer linear take over open world take.
Deleted Member
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Nov 26, 2024 19:38:49 GMT
Nov 26, 2024 19:38:49 GMT
January 1970
Post by Deleted on Jul 21, 2017 16:42:28 GMT
I just want to say that this thread, the creation of it wreaks of desperation.
I'll relinquish one bullet. Where do you want it?
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda
Origin: LogicGunn
PSN: LogicGunn
Posts: 909 Likes: 1,848
I'll relinquish one bullet. Where do you want it?
November 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda
Post by LogicGunn on Jul 21, 2017 16:43:14 GMT
Why is it not ok to like both Bioware and CD Projekt RED? CAUSE I DO! I love the Witcher series. I love all the MEs and DAs. Fuck it, while I'm at it, I love Bethesda games too. Why does it always have to be some dumb-ass, BS, point scoring, one-upmanship competition? We are all gamers here, can we act like it instead of being arseholes? This. I don't get why everyone just can't enjoy Bethesda, Bioware and CDPR games for what they are instead of crying and fighting over which company has the bigger d*ck. I don't play Mass Effect for it to be Witcher in Space, I didn't play Witcher for it to be Fallout in....... where ever the Witcher is located again(Poland or something I don't remember) and I don't want Fallout to be Dragon Age after a nuclear holocaust( Even the idea of a RadDragon would be cool). They are they own RPGs and each do something different that I love about each of them and I put 100s upon 100s of hours into them. Hell I love them all so much I based one of my Fallout 4 characters off Solas. I would friggin LOVE to see that.
Uncle Cyan
Dang it.
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Shattered Steel, Neverwinter Nights, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda
Origin: griffonclaw39
Posts: 2,516 Likes: 2,607
Uncle Cyan
Nov 17, 2024 18:04:04 GMT
Dang it.
March 2017
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Shattered Steel, Neverwinter Nights, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda
Post by Cyan_Griffonclaw on Jul 21, 2017 16:46:25 GMT
This. I don't get why everyone just can't enjoy Bethesda, Bioware and CDPR games for what they are instead of crying and fighting over which company has the bigger d*ck. I don't play Mass Effect for it to be Witcher in Space, I didn't play Witcher for it to be Fallout in....... where ever the Witcher is located again(Poland or something I don't remember) and I don't want Fallout to be Dragon Age after a nuclear holocaust( Even the idea of a RadDragon would be cool). They are they own RPGs and each do something different that I love about each of them and I put 100s upon 100s of hours into them. Hell I love them all so much I based one of my Fallout 4 characters off Solas. Like, I fucking hate Bethesda games, but if that's how someone wants to spend their time, then more power to you. Enjoy your gaming. The only time I get bothered is when developers see what they think is a trend towards open-world games so a developer *cough*bioware*cough* that isn't good at open-world then tries it, it's terrible. Bioware is really good at telling a tight story and having well-written characters, and they should go back to that. I don't buy Bethesda games for a reason. I don't want Bethesda to have an influence on my Bioware games. I really like the Fallout series, but I've been really disappointed with each successive offering. Fallout 3 was great. The DLC was insanely good! OMG. Some of the best DLC ever. Then New Vegas. Great story... horrible, bug-filled crap that only got fixed once all the DLC was out and the unofficial patches fixed all the issues for Obsidian. I swore off pre-ordering because I'm not a great troubleshooter. Then Fallout 4. WTF. Even the modders couldn't help a lot of the issues I had with the vanilla and DLC. It didn't incorporate settlement building well and this time I waited it out for all the DLC to drop before investing it. I'm glad I did. However, did you know Black Isle and BioWare were involved with Fallout 1 & 2? Yes, they did! I wish Interplay had sold EA the rights instead of Bethesda. BioWare would've made the Brotherhood of Steel something more than what Bethesda has made them. I get the reasoning behind it, but I don't like it.
Chaotic Good
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Neverwinter Nights, Mass Effect Andromeda
Posts: 586 Likes: 1,434
Sept 16, 2021 21:34:12 GMT
Chaotic Good
Mar 17, 2017 19:49:37 GMT
March 2017
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Neverwinter Nights, Mass Effect Andromeda
Post by Monica21 on Jul 21, 2017 16:57:48 GMT
However, did you know Black Isle and BioWare were involved with Fallout 1 & 2? Yes, they did! I wish Interplay had sold EA the rights instead of Bethesda. BioWare would've made the Brotherhood of Steel something more than what Bethesda has made them. I get the reasoning behind it, but I don't like it. I did know that!  But I'm also super old.
Uncle Cyan
Dang it.
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Shattered Steel, Neverwinter Nights, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda
Origin: griffonclaw39
Posts: 2,516 Likes: 2,607
Uncle Cyan
Nov 17, 2024 18:04:04 GMT
Dang it.
March 2017
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Shattered Steel, Neverwinter Nights, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda
Post by Cyan_Griffonclaw on Jul 21, 2017 17:02:58 GMT
However, did you know Black Isle and BioWare were involved with Fallout 1 & 2? Yes, they did! I wish Interplay had sold EA the rights instead of Bethesda. BioWare would've made the Brotherhood of Steel something more than what Bethesda has made them. I get the reasoning behind it, but I don't like it. I did know that!  But I'm also super old. me too dang it.
Deleted Member
Posts: 0
Nov 26, 2024 19:38:49 GMT
Nov 26, 2024 19:38:49 GMT
January 1970
Post by Deleted on Jul 21, 2017 18:03:07 GMT
I don't get why everyone just can't enjoy Bethesda, Bioware and CDPR games for what they are instead of crying and fighting over which company has the bigger d*ck. Clearly, BioWare is the champ here. They offer a variety of same-sex romance options, feature transgender characters, make an effort to promote diversity, write companion characters with personality traits some players won't like, and who do things that really anger or upset some players. They take a lot of heat/hate for it, but continue to do these things unapologetically. And that's why I have a problem with Geralt. It's Geralt. I can't make him into being me. Games where I can't see the protagonist or allows customization for one is what allows me to immerse myself into the game. I've put my personal touch on it and can make it mine. There is nothing wrong with the Witcher series, but it just wasn't for me. I don't do self-inserts, but simply don't care enough about Geralt or his world to put forth the effort to try to role-play him. I might be willing to watch a movie (or series) about him, but making decisions on his behalf for 40 or 60 or however many hours it takes - meh. No thanks.
April 2017
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Mass Effect Andromeda
Post by abaris on Jul 21, 2017 18:03:42 GMT
BioWare would've made the Brotherhood of Steel something more than what Bethesda has made them. I get the reasoning behind it, but I don't like it. Seeing how much Bioware sucks at creating open world content, I rather see Beth doing it. Chances are, if Bioware had the rights to Fallout, we would have the same telephone pole NPCs as we have in DAI or MEA. FO4 isn't my favorite Fallout game, but I shudder to think what Bioware/EA would have turned it into. The only thing they'd had done in a better way would have been the companions. But after MEA I have my doubts in that department also.