Post by Alfonsedode on Oct 21, 2016 11:46:48 GMT
Blood Pack Punisher (BPP)
Hitscan weapon (suffers from armor DR, can be made to penetrate cover, can score headshots)
Regular Shots (Armor=100%, Barrier=100%, Shields=100%)
AP Shots (Armor=250%, Barrier=100%, Shields=100%)
Small damage per hit .. NEEDS some sort of armor weakening//piercing in play not to be useless vs gold armor DR.
During autofire every 8-th shot is an AP round... AP rounds have *5 charged damage multiplier and on top of that do *2.5 damage vs armor ... And they can score headshots ... BPP's niche is landing AP rounds headshots vs bosses ... *5 shot * HS mod * 2.5 armor = tons of damage ...
Its main problem - same rof, same weight, similar in-accuracy issues as the hurricane (BPP might be a bit more accurate)...
128.1 / 47.75 = 2.6827 ..And hurricane does a few times more damage per (regular) shot ...
BPP only comes near hurricane in terms of DPS vs armor if you can land the AP round boss headshots ... Not impossible with some accuracy & stability bonuses
BPP2 (((47.75 - 38.2) / 9) * (2 - 1)) + 38.2 = 39.261 // BPP II base damage
Cloak test vs health
marau health: 80.485229
marau health: 80.485229
marau health: 80.485229
marau health: 80.485229
marau health: 80.485229
marau health: 402.426392 // AP round
39.26100 * (1 + 0.25 + 0.8) = 80.48505 //regular shot
39.26100 * 5 * (1 + 0.25 + 0.8) = 402.42525 // AP round
test done wit AIU
Test vs Geth Prime Head AP ammo I + smg piercing mod
ALL are headshots
+95 ms |damage 3.925781
+1 ms |damage 61.835938
+72 ms |damage 3.925781
+0 ms |damage 61.835938
+73 ms |damage 19.630859
+0 ms |damage 772.953125 // AP round HS
+96 ms |damage 3.925781
+2 ms |damage 61.835938
+90 ms |damage 3.925781
39.26100 * 0.1 = 3.9261 // AP ammo damage un affected by 15% penalty
39.26100 * (1 + 0.275 - 0.15) * 1.4 =61.836075 (0 armor DR)
(39.26100 * 5 * (1 + 0.275 - 0.15) * 1.4 - 50*(1-1))* 2.5 =772.9509375 AP round vs armor HS
Test done with a Juggernout with 6b in fitness (energy transfer, damage penalty)
M-11 Supressor
Hitscan weapon (suffers from armor DR, can be made to penetrate cover, can score headshots)
(Armor=100%, Barrier=100%, Shields=100%)
James Bond gun like corlist affectionately likes to call it ... This gun's thing is its *4 mook base headshot modifier .. Still only *1.4 vs boss units...
Important tehnique - double tap - weapon is accurate and has enough rof for allow quick double headshots (dealing with the shield gate) ..
test numbers
Suppressor X on paladin HS no mods just passives
157.1 * (1 + 0.25 + 0.2) * 4 = 911.18 OK
Cloak hs
222294ms | banshee barrier: 495.000000
157.1 * (1 + 0.25 + 0.8 + 0.2) * 1.4 = 494.865 // *1.4 hs mod vs bosses
Maximal mook HS Damage calculation on Tsol without debuffs (marksman magic hs multiplier)
157.1 * (1 + 0.375 + 0.3 + 0.2 + 0.35) * 4 * (1 + 0.4 + 0.3125) = 2394.4
(will drop most gold mooks with a double tap shot)
Same calculation with 40% damage barrel instead of mook HS pistol mod
157.1 * (1 + 0.375 + 0.3 + 0.2 + 0.35 + 0.4) * 4 * (1 + 0.3125) = 2165
157.1 base damage at X
37.5% WD passive
30% WD in case of headshots passive
20% WD in case of headshots gear vulnerability VI
35% WD in case of headshots consumable targeting VI
31.25% marksman special HS multiplier
40% HS multiplier from pistol CranialTraumaSystem
regular 40% WD from pistol heavy barrel
Hitscan weapon (suffers from armor DR, can be made to penetrate cover, can score headshots)
(Armor=100%, Barrier=100%, Shields=100%)
High damage single shot (for the most part) low rof high damage pistol ..
Destroyer (magazine mod 80% + passive clip size bonus >= 100% 2 shot clip size)
Advanced (double shot using a fast cast animation power) [reload animation hiding] .
"First, shoot the executioner, then immediately cast a power (e.g. overload/warp/ ballistic blades/ SnapFreeze /PM ...). By the time you finish casting,
there will be another round loaded in the executioner's chamber without any reload animation. Shoot again.
Unlike reload canceling, you don't have to wait for the "click". It's like reload canceling on steroids." reamde
Other single shot weapons that can make great use of this tehnique are Claymore and Widow ..
Executioner X 981.1 base ( +25% WD passive +40% WD pistol mod)
marau health: 1618.815063
981.1 * (1 + 0.25 + 0.4) =1618.815
564078ms | ravager armour damage: 1568.814941
24021ms | ravager armour damage: 1503.433594
981.1 * (1 + 0.25 + 0.4) - 50 =1568.815
Did not test the headshot multiplier will assume with the default 2.5 // 1.4 pair (game config files)...
Maximal mook HS Damage calculation on Tsol without debuffs (marksman magic hs multiplier)
981.1 * (1 + 0.375 + 0.3 + 0.2 + 0.35) * 2.5 * (1 + 0.4 + 0.3125) = 9345.74398437
Same calculation with 40% damage barrel instead of mook HS pistol mod
981.1 * (1 + 0.375 + 0.3 + 0.2 + 0.35 + 0.4) * 2.5 * (1 + 0.3125) =8450.49023438
Maximal HS damage vs boss
981.1 * (1 + 0.375 + 0.3 + 0.2 + 0.35 + 0.4) * 1.4 = 3605.5425
157.1 base damage at X
37.5% WD passive
30% WD in case of headshots passive
20% WD in case of headshots gear vulnerability VI
35% WD in case of headshots consumable targeting VI
31.25% marksman special HS multiplier
40% HS multiplier from pistol CranialTraumaSystem
regular 40% WD from pistol heavy barrel
Pasic ammo III ammo damage vs shields and barriers
981.1 * 0.15 * 10 = 1471.65
Tsol should be able to 1 HS kill all mooks in game with phasics III rounds... Tsol magic probably not mandatory ...
gold Rocket troopers should die from 1 body shot with phasic III rounds ..
Hitscan weapon (suffers from armor DR, can be made to penetrate cover, can score headshots)
(Armor=100%, Barrier=100%, Shields=100%)
Will guess same ammo regeneration/overheat mechanics like PPR, CSR, CSMG ... Meaning steeper power curve as it levels up than the regular weapons ..
Amount of ammo regenerated per second dependent on clip size (AR mag mod mandatory)...No charge up modifier ...
Lancer VI (HVB)
(((84.8 - 67.9) / 9) * (6 - 1)) + 67.9 =77.29
190131ms | ravager armour damage: 76.153320
0ms | ravager armour damage: 43.691895
15ms | ravager armour damage: 43.691895
(77.29 * (1 + 0.05)) - (50 * (1 - 0.9)) = 76.1545
(77.29 * 0.6 * (1 + 0.05)) - (50 * (1 - 0.9)) = 43.6927
Test above with collector adept Lancer is not a collector weapon ..
tests with AIU (25% WD passive ; 25% WD barrel)
13642ms | ravager armour damage: 65.933105
63ms | ravager armour damage: 65.933105
(77.29 * (1 + 0.25 + 0.25)) - 50 =65.935 // *1 vs armor
93ms | banshee barrier: 116.000000
102ms | banshee barrier: 116.000000
7212ms | banshee barrier: 178.000000
83ms | banshee barrier: 178.000000
77.29 * (1 + 0.25 + 0.25) = 115.935 // * 1 vs barrier
77.29 * (1 + 0.25 + 0.25 + 0.8) = 177.767 // cloak bonus
Hitscan weapon (suffers from armor DR, can be made to penetrate cover, can score headshots)
(Armor=100%, Barrier=175%, Shields=175%)
Shot ramp up time ... No ramp up multiplier ... Decent vs shields& barriers if you can get the headshots ..
Spitfire VII (HVB V ; 25% WD) vs gold ravager
((67.3-53.8)/9)*(7-1)+53.8 = 62.8 base damage
Ramp up time removed penetrating hits (gold time)
24957ms | ravager armour damage: 73.500000
196ms | ravager armour damage: 73.500000
165ms | ravager armour damage: 73.500000
140ms | ravager armour damage: 73.500000
69ms | ravager armour damage: 73.500000
94ms | ravager armour damage: 73.500000
76ms | ravager armour damage: 73.500000
103ms | ravager armour damage: 73.500000
94ms | ravager armour damage: 73.500000
24957ms | ravager armour damage: 73.500000
// triple hit
196ms | ravager armour damage: 73.500000
0ms | ravager armour damage: 42.100098
19ms | ravager armour damage: 42.100098
Hit vs gold armor
(62.8 * (1 + 0.25)) - (50 * (1 - 0.9)) =73.5
penetrating hit
(62.8 * 0.6 * (1 + 0.25)) - (50 * (1 - 0.9)) =42.1 // HVB penalty
124ms | ravager armour damage: 123.740234
//triple hit
60ms | ravager armour damage: 123.740234
0ms | ravager armour damage: 72.244141
17ms | ravager armour damage: 72.244141
(62.8 * (1 + 0.25 + 0.8)) - (50 * (1 - 0.9)) = 123.74
(62.8 * 0.6 * (1 + 0.25 + 0.8)) - (50 * (1 - 0.9)) =72.244
Test vs banshee barrier
94ms | banshee barrier: 138.000000
98ms | banshee barrier: 138.000000
192ms | banshee barrier: 138.000000
97ms | banshee barrier: 224.000000 //HS
62.8 * (1 + 0.25) * 1.75 = 137.375 // * 1.75 vs barriers
62.8 * (1 + 0.25 + 0.2) * 1.4 * 1.75 = 223.097 // banshee HS
Adas Anti-Syntetic Rifle
Projectile weapon .. Lag sensitive . No cover penetration . Small aoe radius . Ignores Armor DR and shieldgate
(Armor=100%, Barrier=200%, Shields=200%)
Bonus vs shields and barriers .. No bonus vs syntetics . No headshot bonuses ..
"Fun fact: Activating TC while firing the Adas causes the remaining shots in the clip to not break TC.
This behaviour is similar to that of the Striker. " Eckswhyzed
Unlike the striker adas has the clip size to profit on TGI...
"Another odd 'feature' of the Adas. If Marksman ends, you don't lose the ROF bonus until you stop firing. So with the extended clip you can always have the Marksman ROF bonus going." Asebstos
turian ghost 900 Shields 3300 with stimpack
30% WD
20% BWD AR
80% Cloak
20% HS WD
25% damage barrel
disruptor I 5%
2025 // 2278 geth hunter
Adas X 161.9
+2605126 ms |shield damage 33.000000
+1 ms |shield damage 502.000000
+4801 ms |shield damage 33.000000
+1 ms |shield damage 502.000000
+1124 ms |shield damage 33.000000
+1 ms |shield damage 502.000000
+939 ms |shield damage 33.000000
+1 ms |shield damage 502.000000
+5164 ms |shield damage 39.000000 // TC on
+1 ms |shield damage 914.000000
+1329 ms |shield damage 39.000000
+0 ms |shield damage 914.000000
+399 ms |shield damage 39.000000
+0 ms |shield damage 914.000000
+447 ms |shield damage 39.000000
+2 ms |shield damage 914.000000
TC off
161.9 * 0.05 * 4 = 32.38 // disruptor ammo damage vs shields
161.9 * (1 + 0.3 + 0.25) * 2 = 501.89 // adas damage vs shields
161.9 * 1.2 * 0.05 * 4 = 38.856 // disruptor ammo damage vs shields
161.9 * 1.2 * (1 + 0.3 + 0.25 + 0.8) * 2 = 913.116
Will fire like that until cloak naturally expires ...
Venom Shogun
Projectile weapon - fires grenades that explode on proximity (1 uncharged m 3 if charged) AOE damage .. Ignores Armor DR and shieldgate.. Lag sensitive . No cover penetration .
(Armor=100%, Barrier=100%, Shields=100%)
Mechanics intresting enough that it got its own thread