Numerical Tests Thread - Corlist's Level 4 Consumable Stats
Oct 22, 2016 5:30:06 GMT
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Post by BlackMage on Oct 22, 2016 5:30:06 GMT
Posted 23 August 2012 - 08:09 AM
Edited by corlist, 05 October 2012 - 02:33 AM
AP IV (50% bonus damage (health and armor only), 90% armor piercing, ? extra penetration distance)
-Note: AP Ammo's piercing property does not work with the N7 Typhoon, see here for more details.
-Note: AP ammo is bugged, see here for more details. (BlackMage Comment - Bug has been fixed)
Warp IV (60% bonus damage (to everything except shields), 65% armor weakening)
Incendiary IV (50% bonus damage as DoT over 3 seconds (health and armor only), no armor weakening, DoT damage increase greatly when stacked)
Cryo IV (65% armor weakening, only applies when chilled/frozen, warp ammo applies weakening on every shot)
Disruptor IV (25% bonus damage (vs health), 100% bonus damage (vs shields/barriers), extra details below)
Cyclonic Modulator IV (+150% base shields)
Power Amplifier Module IV (+50% base power damage)
Compared to level 3
AP IV (+20% bonus damage, +20% armor piercing)
Warp IV (+25% bonus damage, +15% armor weakening)
Disruptor IV (+10% bonus damage)
Cryo IV (+15% armor weakening)
Incendiary IV (+20% bonus damage as DoT)
Cyclonic Modulator IV (+50% base shields)
Power Amplifier Module IV (+20% base power damage)
Test 1 vs Gold Ravager (AP IV test)
N7 Demolisher
Claymore X
Barrel V 25%
Passives 17.5%
Modified damage
206 * 1.425 = 293.55
observed damage
8100 - 4967.6015625 = 3,132.3984375
( (206 * 0.5) + (293.55 - (50 * 0.1)) ) * 8 = 3,132.4
Test 2 vs Bronze Ravager (Warp IV test)
N7 Demolisher
Raptor X
97.7 base damage
Barrel V 25%
Passives 17.5
SR Gear V 15%
Modified damage
97.7 * 1.575 = 153.8775
Observed damage
3600 - 3392.75244140 = 207.2475586
(97.7 * 0.60) + (153.8775 - (15 * 0.35)) = 207.2475
- The 60% damage bonus was first derived from the scorpion test (below)
Scorpion III
396.04445 base damage
Barrel V 25%
Passives 17.5%
Modified damage
396.04445 * 1.425 = 564.36334
Observed damage
3600 - 2,798.009951016 = 801.990048984
(396.04445 * 0.60) + (564.36334 - 0) = 801.99001
- Scorpion ignores armor DR, see this page for details
Test 3 vs Bronze Cannibal (Disruptor IV test)
Scorpion III
396.04445 base damage
+25% barrel
Observed Damage (Stick-on-body shot)
900 - 305.93319091 = 594.06680909
(396.04445 * 0.25) + (396.04445 * 1.25) = 594.066675
- Disruptor IV does +25% base damage. Works on health.
Note: Innocent bystander cannibal also took damage
Observed Damage
900 - 404.944427490 = 495.05557251
396.04445 * 1.25 = 495.0555625
- As expected from peddro's testing with the Scorpion.
Raptor X (Bronze cannibal scoped bodyshot)
97.7 base damage
+25% barrel
+15% SR gear V
Observed Damage
900 - 738.795043945 = 161.204956055
(97.7 * 0.25) + (97.7 * (1 + 0.25 + 0.15)) = 161.205
- Results consistent with calculations
Raptor X (Bronze cannibal unscoped bodyshot)
Observed Damage
900 - 762.975769042 = 137.024230958
0.85 * (97.7 * 0.25) + (97.7 * (1 + 0.25 + 0.15)) = 137.02425
- Unscoped sniper penalty applies to base weapon damage.
Test 4 vs Marauder Shields
Raptor X
Observed Damage
675 - 513 = 162
(97.7 * 0.25) + (97.7 * (1 + 0.25 + 0.15)) = 161.205 (rounded up)
- Works for shields as expected, no extra damage vs shields
Misc. tests
Disruptor IV Tech burst (with level 6 power)
Observed Damage
900 - 637.5 = 262.5
- Note: I had to play "cannibal farmer" for a few minutes before this was done.
- Requires numerous other tests to find out more on tech burst mechanics.
Disruptor effect chance
100 Scorpion shots vs cannibals
77/100 (77%)
- Note: When the Scorpion round exploded, other cannibals in the AoE never had a visible electric effect applied on them.
100 Raptor shots vs cannibals
16/100 (16%)
Disruptor Effect visible duration (may not be tech-burstable)
Duration 5.5s - 6s (presumed to be 3.5 seconds)
Shield recharge delay increase
8 seconds (as with other disruptor ammo)
Test 5 vs Bronze Cannibal (Cryo IV)
Raptor X (Frozen Bronze cannibal scoped bodyshot)
97.7 base damage
+25% barrel
+15% SR gear V
Observed Damage
900 - 763.219970703 = 136.780029297
(97.7 * (1 + 0.25 + 0.15)) = 136.78
- Completely frozen targets do not take extra damage when applied by Cryo IV.
- Cannibals stop regenerating health only when completely frozen. Regeneration begins immediately when they start moving, before thawing is complete.
Raptor X (Frozen Bronze cannibal scoped headshot)
Observed Damage
900 - 558.049987792 = 341.950012208
(97.7 * (1 + 0.25 + 0.15)) * 2.5 = 341.95
- Headshots also don't do extra damage to targets frozen by Cryo IV.
Test 6 Raptor X (Bronze Ravager)
No chill
Observed Damage
3600 - 3478.21997070 = 121.7800293
3600 - 3468.46997070 = 131.5300293
Calculation (no chill active)
(97.7 * (1 + 0.25 + 0.15) - 15) = 121.78
Calculation (chill active)
(97.7 * (1 + 0.25 + 0.15) - (15 * 0.35)) = 131.53
- Cryo IV armor weakening is 65%.
- The chance of the chill effect is rather low, making it a poor weakening choice when compared with warp ammo, which applies 100% of the time.
Cryo IV freeze chance
100 Raptor shots vs bronze cannibals
Test 7 vs Bronze Cannibal (Incendiary IV test)
N7 Demolisher
Scorpion III
396.04445 base damage
Barrel V 25%
Passives 17.5%
Modified damage
396.04445 * 1.425 = 564.36334
Observed damage (stick-on-body shot)
900 - 137.614349365 = 762.385650635
(396.04445 * 0.5) + 564.36334 = 762.385565
- Incendiary IV's damage bonus is 50%.
- Incendiary IV does not add a multiplicative bonus vs health with a single shot.
Frame-by-frame health values
900 [starting health]
866.997276855 (-33.002723145) [impact with Scorpion did 0 damage]
833.992553710 (-33.004723145)
800.988830566 (-33.003723144)
203.621765136 (-564.36334 - 33.00372543) [round explodes]
170.618057250 (-33.003707886)
137.614349365 (-33.003707885)
DoT duration is about 3 seconds.
Test 8 vs Bronze Ravager (Incendiary I)
Scorpion III ((469 - 375.2) / 9) * 2 + 375.2 = 396.0444
+2.5% passives
(396.0444 * 1.025) = 405.94551
Incendiary I (10% damage as DoT)
observed indirect shot
3600 - 3194.05444335 = 405.94555665
- As expected
- Any number of indirect shots do 100% consistent damage
Observed direct shot
3600 - 3154.44946289 = 445.55053711
Calculation(396.0444 * 0.1) + (405.94551) = 445.54995
- Incendiary I does 10% damage as DoT vs armor
2 direct shots
Highest observed damage
3600 - 2629.76025390 = 970.2397461
445.55053711 * 2 = 891.10107422 (wrong)
Total Damage - 2 indirect shots = Observed DoT
970.2397461 - 405.94555665 * 2 = 158.3486328
Expected (normal) DoT
(396.0444 * 0.1) * 2 = 79.20888
- 2 stacked DoTs are doing about 200% more DoT damage than expected
3 direct shots
Highest observed damage
3600 - 2081.94482421 = 1518.05517579
Total Damage - 3 indirect shots = Observed DoT
1518.05517579 - 405.94555665 * 3 = 300.21850584
Expected (normal) DoT
(396.0444 * 0.1) * 3 = 118.81332
- About 50% more DoT damage than 2 + 1 (2 stacked DoTs + 1 separate)
- About 152% more DoT damage than 1 + 1 + 1 (3 separate DoTs)
4 direct shots
Highest observed damage
3600 - 1576.5185546875 = 2023.4814453125
Total Damage - 4 indirect shots = Observed DoT
2023.4814453125 - 405.94555665 * 4 = 399.6992187125
Expected (normal) DoT
(396.0444 * 0.1) * 4 = 158.41776
- About 17.6% more DoT damage than 3 + 1
- About 68.2% more DoT damage than 2 + 1 + 1
- About 152% more DoT damage than 1 + 1 + 1 + 1
Carnifex X (no mods, nothing) Shot by someone else
1 direct + 1 carnifex shot
Observed damage
3600 - 2824.34936523 = 775.65063477
(396.0444 * 0.1) + (405.94551) + (345.1 - 15) = 775.64995
- Incendiary ammo does not apply armor weakening effect even when the target is burning
N7 Demolisher (Cyclonic IV test)
No fitness
600 shields
1500 shields
1500 / 600 = 2.5
- Cyclonic IV gives +150% base shields
Extra test
In supply pylon (+25%)
1650 shields
- Supply pylon gives +25% of base shields
GE (Power Amp IV test)
Overload 220 base damage (ranks +20% and 30%, neural shock)
No passives
Modified damage
220 * (1 + 0.2 + 0.3) * 0.5 * 2 = 330
Bronze cannibal (without consumables)
900 - 570 = 330
- Overload does 50% damage to organic health.
- Neural shock increases damage to organic health by 100%
Bronze cannibal (Power amp IV)
900 - 460 = 440
220 * (1 + 0.2 + 0.3 + 0.5) * 0.5 * 2 = 440
- Power Amp IV's damage bonus is 50%.
Many thanks to my test-buddy Eelectrica for helping me hasten the in-game process.
Thanks to jstarpaul for his Inc IV vs shields test.
Posted 23 August 2012 - 12:14 PM
Sorry, I don't want to take this too off topic, I'm just curious what armor 'weakening' does? Proc? Bonus damage or basically a group AP buff vs the target?
Posted 23 August 2012 - 12:17 PM (responding to Uchimura)
Piercing only applies to your gun.
Weakening applies a ~2 second armor penalty on the target who is hit.According to peddro, armor weakening effects (Cryo blast, Warp, Warp ammo, etc) override either other and cannot stack. (BlackMage Comment - armor weakening efffects can stack)
Posted 28 August 2012 - 07:22 AM
Edited by jstarpaul, 30 August 2012 - 03:19 PM
Incendiary Ammo IV test results:
+0% damage to shields
+100% damage to armor Edit: +50% damage to armor, higher if stacked before previous effect expires See below posts for corrections
Did not test on barriers (sorry I ain't standing still shooting at banshees or phantoms)
Test parameters:
Me = Kroguard
Target = 3-4 Geth Primes on Bronze
Weapon = Scorpion V. Base DMG = 416.89 (based on Narida's tool). Kit Bonus: +10%
Equip = Incendiary IV ammo and Cyclonic IV.
Observed damage based on Tangster's MP Enemy Updated docs.
8 hits (explosion and DOT) to drop 7 shield boxes
Observed shield damage = 5250 * 0.7 = 3675
Calculated damage if Incendiary has no effect on shields = 416.89*(1+0.05+0.05+0.00)*8 = 3668.632
4 hits (explosion and DOT) to drop 5 armor boxes (I fired 4 shots at a time)
Observed armor damage = 7500*0.5 = 3750
Calculated damage if incendiary IV has +50% damage on armor = 416.89*(1+0.05+0.05+0.50)*4 = 2668.096
Calculated damage if incendiary IV has +100% damage on armor = 416.89*(1+0.05+0.05+1.00)*4 = 3501.876 <-- this is probably it
Additional armor hits assuming incendiary IV has +100% damage on armor
6 hits to drop 7 armor boxes (Observed = 5250, Calculated = 5253)
7 hits to drop 8 armor boxes (Observed = 6000, Calculated = 6128)
8 hits to drop 9 armor boxes (Observed = 6750, Calculated = 7003)
9 hits to kill (Observed = 7500, Calculated = 7879)
Further tests:
On Geth Pyro: Incendiary ammo has no damage effect on shields. The shield bar blinks, but no actual damage is dealt.
Scorpion V
Ultralight material V
Melee stunner V
Ammo: Incendiary Ammo IV
Weapon: Empty
Armor: Cyclonic Modulator IV
Gear: Stronghold Package V
+5% weapon damage Krogan Battlemaster 1
+5% weapon damage Krogan Battlemaster 3
No other weapon damage bonus from powers
Posted 23 August 2012 - 08:09 AM
Edited by corlist, 05 October 2012 - 02:33 AM
AP IV (50% bonus damage (health and armor only), 90% armor piercing, ? extra penetration distance)
Warp IV (60% bonus damage (to everything except shields), 65% armor weakening)
Incendiary IV (50% bonus damage as DoT over 3 seconds (health and armor only), no armor weakening, DoT damage increase greatly when stacked)
Cryo IV (65% armor weakening, only applies when chilled/frozen, warp ammo applies weakening on every shot)
Disruptor IV (25% bonus damage (vs health), 100% bonus damage (vs shields/barriers), extra details below)
Cyclonic Modulator IV (+150% base shields)
Power Amplifier Module IV (+50% base power damage)
Compared to level 3
AP IV (+20% bonus damage, +20% armor piercing)
Warp IV (+25% bonus damage, +15% armor weakening)
Disruptor IV (+10% bonus damage)
Cryo IV (+15% armor weakening)
Incendiary IV (+20% bonus damage as DoT)
Cyclonic Modulator IV (+50% base shields)
Power Amplifier Module IV (+20% base power damage)
Test 1 vs Gold Ravager (AP IV test)
N7 Demolisher
Claymore X
Barrel V 25%
Passives 17.5%
Modified damage
206 * 1.425 = 293.55
observed damage
8100 - 4967.6015625 = 3,132.3984375
( (206 * 0.5) + (293.55 - (50 * 0.1)) ) * 8 = 3,132.4
Test 2 vs Bronze Ravager (Warp IV test)
N7 Demolisher
Raptor X
97.7 base damage
Barrel V 25%
Passives 17.5
SR Gear V 15%
Modified damage
97.7 * 1.575 = 153.8775
Observed damage
3600 - 3392.75244140 = 207.2475586
(97.7 * 0.60) + (153.8775 - (15 * 0.35)) = 207.2475
- The 60% damage bonus was first derived from the scorpion test (below)
Scorpion III
396.04445 base damage
Barrel V 25%
Passives 17.5%
Modified damage
396.04445 * 1.425 = 564.36334
Observed damage
3600 - 2,798.009951016 = 801.990048984
(396.04445 * 0.60) + (564.36334 - 0) = 801.99001
- Scorpion ignores armor DR, see this page for details
Test 3 vs Bronze Cannibal (Disruptor IV test)
Scorpion III
396.04445 base damage
+25% barrel
Observed Damage (Stick-on-body shot)
900 - 305.93319091 = 594.06680909
(396.04445 * 0.25) + (396.04445 * 1.25) = 594.066675
- Disruptor IV does +25% base damage. Works on health.
Note: Innocent bystander cannibal also took damage
Observed Damage
900 - 404.944427490 = 495.05557251
396.04445 * 1.25 = 495.0555625
- As expected from peddro's testing with the Scorpion.
Raptor X (Bronze cannibal scoped bodyshot)
97.7 base damage
+25% barrel
+15% SR gear V
Observed Damage
900 - 738.795043945 = 161.204956055
(97.7 * 0.25) + (97.7 * (1 + 0.25 + 0.15)) = 161.205
- Results consistent with calculations
Raptor X (Bronze cannibal unscoped bodyshot)
Observed Damage
900 - 762.975769042 = 137.024230958
0.85 * (97.7 * 0.25) + (97.7 * (1 + 0.25 + 0.15)) = 137.02425
- Unscoped sniper penalty applies to base weapon damage.
Test 4 vs Marauder Shields
Raptor X
Observed Damage
675 - 513 = 162
(97.7 * 0.25) + (97.7 * (1 + 0.25 + 0.15)) = 161.205 (rounded up)
- Works for shields as expected, no extra damage vs shields
Misc. tests
Disruptor IV Tech burst (with level 6 power)
Observed Damage
900 - 637.5 = 262.5
- Note: I had to play "cannibal farmer" for a few minutes before this was done.
- Requires numerous other tests to find out more on tech burst mechanics.
Disruptor effect chance
100 Scorpion shots vs cannibals
77/100 (77%)
- Note: When the Scorpion round exploded, other cannibals in the AoE never had a visible electric effect applied on them.
100 Raptor shots vs cannibals
16/100 (16%)
Disruptor Effect visible duration (may not be tech-burstable)
Duration 5.5s - 6s (presumed to be 3.5 seconds)
Shield recharge delay increase
8 seconds (as with other disruptor ammo)
Test 5 vs Bronze Cannibal (Cryo IV)
Raptor X (Frozen Bronze cannibal scoped bodyshot)
97.7 base damage
+25% barrel
+15% SR gear V
Observed Damage
900 - 763.219970703 = 136.780029297
(97.7 * (1 + 0.25 + 0.15)) = 136.78
- Completely frozen targets do not take extra damage when applied by Cryo IV.
- Cannibals stop regenerating health only when completely frozen. Regeneration begins immediately when they start moving, before thawing is complete.
Raptor X (Frozen Bronze cannibal scoped headshot)
Observed Damage
900 - 558.049987792 = 341.950012208
(97.7 * (1 + 0.25 + 0.15)) * 2.5 = 341.95
- Headshots also don't do extra damage to targets frozen by Cryo IV.
Test 6 Raptor X (Bronze Ravager)
No chill
Observed Damage
3600 - 3478.21997070 = 121.7800293
3600 - 3468.46997070 = 131.5300293
Calculation (no chill active)
(97.7 * (1 + 0.25 + 0.15) - 15) = 121.78
Calculation (chill active)
(97.7 * (1 + 0.25 + 0.15) - (15 * 0.35)) = 131.53
- Cryo IV armor weakening is 65%.
- The chance of the chill effect is rather low, making it a poor weakening choice when compared with warp ammo, which applies 100% of the time.
Cryo IV freeze chance
100 Raptor shots vs bronze cannibals
Test 7 vs Bronze Cannibal (Incendiary IV test)
N7 Demolisher
Scorpion III
396.04445 base damage
Barrel V 25%
Passives 17.5%
Modified damage
396.04445 * 1.425 = 564.36334
Observed damage (stick-on-body shot)
900 - 137.614349365 = 762.385650635
(396.04445 * 0.5) + 564.36334 = 762.385565
- Incendiary IV's damage bonus is 50%.
- Incendiary IV does not add a multiplicative bonus vs health with a single shot.
Frame-by-frame health values
900 [starting health]
866.997276855 (-33.002723145) [impact with Scorpion did 0 damage]
833.992553710 (-33.004723145)
800.988830566 (-33.003723144)
203.621765136 (-564.36334 - 33.00372543) [round explodes]
170.618057250 (-33.003707886)
137.614349365 (-33.003707885)
DoT duration is about 3 seconds.
Test 8 vs Bronze Ravager (Incendiary I)
Scorpion III ((469 - 375.2) / 9) * 2 + 375.2 = 396.0444
+2.5% passives
(396.0444 * 1.025) = 405.94551
Incendiary I (10% damage as DoT)
observed indirect shot
3600 - 3194.05444335 = 405.94555665
- As expected
- Any number of indirect shots do 100% consistent damage
Observed direct shot
3600 - 3154.44946289 = 445.55053711
Calculation(396.0444 * 0.1) + (405.94551) = 445.54995
- Incendiary I does 10% damage as DoT vs armor
2 direct shots
Highest observed damage
3600 - 2629.76025390 = 970.2397461
445.55053711 * 2 = 891.10107422 (wrong)
Total Damage - 2 indirect shots = Observed DoT
970.2397461 - 405.94555665 * 2 = 158.3486328
Expected (normal) DoT
(396.0444 * 0.1) * 2 = 79.20888
- 2 stacked DoTs are doing about 200% more DoT damage than expected
3 direct shots
Highest observed damage
3600 - 2081.94482421 = 1518.05517579
Total Damage - 3 indirect shots = Observed DoT
1518.05517579 - 405.94555665 * 3 = 300.21850584
Expected (normal) DoT
(396.0444 * 0.1) * 3 = 118.81332
- About 50% more DoT damage than 2 + 1 (2 stacked DoTs + 1 separate)
- About 152% more DoT damage than 1 + 1 + 1 (3 separate DoTs)
4 direct shots
Highest observed damage
3600 - 1576.5185546875 = 2023.4814453125
Total Damage - 4 indirect shots = Observed DoT
2023.4814453125 - 405.94555665 * 4 = 399.6992187125
Expected (normal) DoT
(396.0444 * 0.1) * 4 = 158.41776
- About 17.6% more DoT damage than 3 + 1
- About 68.2% more DoT damage than 2 + 1 + 1
- About 152% more DoT damage than 1 + 1 + 1 + 1
Carnifex X (no mods, nothing) Shot by someone else
1 direct + 1 carnifex shot
Observed damage
3600 - 2824.34936523 = 775.65063477
(396.0444 * 0.1) + (405.94551) + (345.1 - 15) = 775.64995
- Incendiary ammo does not apply armor weakening effect even when the target is burning
N7 Demolisher (Cyclonic IV test)
No fitness
600 shields
1500 shields
1500 / 600 = 2.5
- Cyclonic IV gives +150% base shields
Extra test
In supply pylon (+25%)
1650 shields
- Supply pylon gives +25% of base shields
GE (Power Amp IV test)
Overload 220 base damage (ranks +20% and 30%, neural shock)
No passives
Modified damage
220 * (1 + 0.2 + 0.3) * 0.5 * 2 = 330
Bronze cannibal (without consumables)
900 - 570 = 330
- Overload does 50% damage to organic health.
- Neural shock increases damage to organic health by 100%
Bronze cannibal (Power amp IV)
900 - 460 = 440
220 * (1 + 0.2 + 0.3 + 0.5) * 0.5 * 2 = 440
- Power Amp IV's damage bonus is 50%.
Many thanks to my test-buddy Eelectrica for helping me hasten the in-game process.
Thanks to jstarpaul for his Inc IV vs shields test.
Posted 23 August 2012 - 12:14 PM
Sorry, I don't want to take this too off topic, I'm just curious what armor 'weakening' does? Proc? Bonus damage or basically a group AP buff vs the target?
Posted 23 August 2012 - 12:17 PM (responding to Uchimura)
Piercing only applies to your gun.
Weakening applies a ~2 second armor penalty on the target who is hit.
Posted 28 August 2012 - 07:22 AM
Edited by jstarpaul, 30 August 2012 - 03:19 PM
Incendiary Ammo IV test results:
+0% damage to shields
Did not test on barriers (sorry I ain't standing still shooting at banshees or phantoms)
Test parameters:
Me = Kroguard
Target = 3-4 Geth Primes on Bronze
Weapon = Scorpion V. Base DMG = 416.89 (based on Narida's tool). Kit Bonus: +10%
Equip = Incendiary IV ammo and Cyclonic IV.
Observed damage based on Tangster's MP Enemy Updated docs.
8 hits (explosion and DOT) to drop 7 shield boxes
Observed shield damage = 5250 * 0.7 = 3675
Calculated damage if Incendiary has no effect on shields = 416.89*(1+0.05+0.05+0.00)*8 = 3668.632
4 hits (explosion and DOT) to drop 5 armor boxes (I fired 4 shots at a time)
Observed armor damage = 7500*0.5 = 3750
Calculated damage if incendiary IV has +50% damage on armor = 416.89*(1+0.05+0.05+0.50)*4 = 2668.096
Calculated damage if incendiary IV has +100% damage on armor = 416.89*(1+0.05+0.05+1.00)*4 = 3501.876 <-- this is probably it
Additional armor hits assuming incendiary IV has +100% damage on armor
6 hits to drop 7 armor boxes (Observed = 5250, Calculated = 5253)
7 hits to drop 8 armor boxes (Observed = 6000, Calculated = 6128)
8 hits to drop 9 armor boxes (Observed = 6750, Calculated = 7003)
9 hits to kill (Observed = 7500, Calculated = 7879)
Further tests:
On Geth Pyro: Incendiary ammo has no damage effect on shields. The shield bar blinks, but no actual damage is dealt.
Scorpion V
Ultralight material V
Melee stunner V
Ammo: Incendiary Ammo IV
Weapon: Empty
Armor: Cyclonic Modulator IV
Gear: Stronghold Package V
+5% weapon damage Krogan Battlemaster 1
+5% weapon damage Krogan Battlemaster 3
No other weapon damage bonus from powers