Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, KOTOR, Mass Effect Legendary Edition
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Sept 28, 2020 6:41:23 GMT
September 2020
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, KOTOR, Mass Effect Legendary Edition
Post by FiendishlyInventive on Sept 7, 2021 0:36:37 GMT
Considering the fact Dragon Age always features a new protagonist, it begs the question, do you create them as representations of yourself?
Or do you have an idea in mind for their character and then go from there?
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda
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August 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda
Post by luketrevelyan on Sept 7, 2021 1:06:13 GMT
Love the question!
My first playthrough is the most unique in this aspect. I avoid major plot spoilers and sometimes even the companions ahead of release so I go in fairly blind. This results in more instances where I choose options instinctively rather than thinking through how my character might feel. I still try to roleplay a certain personality but it probably mirrors my own the most of any playthrough. Often that character ends up being lawful good.
For subsequent PTs I map things out more. I usually have certain choices I didn't pursue the first PT that intrigued me and now I want to try them out. Also there might be a character I want to romance in particular and that can shape my decisions. Other times I don't really know going in and develop the personality more as I go along. These characters have a much wider range of personalities and can be even more fun than the first PT.
For DA4 I'd like to break out of the mold and have my first protagonist be more morally gray, maybe very pragmatic rather than idealistic. Although it kind of depends on what options BioWare gives us and how the story unfolds. In 2 years or whenever it releases, I may want to roleplay an entirely different character than I'm imagining now.
Hanako Ikezawa
August 2016
Post by Hanako Ikezawa on Sept 7, 2021 1:36:50 GMT
Both. First playthrough, and many replays, are more self-insert and then there are a few that are more creating a different character and acting as them.
August 2016
Post by Iddy on Sept 7, 2021 1:48:33 GMT
I usually start with just one or two core traits and then expand from there.
With my Warden, I based his personality off the fact that he chose to spare the humans and opposed entering the case. From there, I decided he would be calm, stoic and generally a KISA. Then I sprinkled in a little dry wit and pervness to shake things up.
With my Hawke, I mostly gave him traits that fit the sarcastic personality. But I still established limits to it and gave him a character arc towards a blueish purple.
With my Inquisitor, the general idea was that she is a pacifist and a nerd who wants to see the world, so I slowly added more details into why she feels that way and how she reacts when confronted with situations that challenge these ideals and desires. Her character arc was maturing into a more grounded idealism.
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda, SWTOR, Mass Effect Legendary Edition
PSN: The Ascendent
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Dec 12, 2024 14:59:43 GMT
Aug 28, 2017 10:17:49 GMT
August 2017
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda, SWTOR, Mass Effect Legendary Edition
The Ascendent
Post by theascendent on Sept 7, 2021 9:57:17 GMT
I try and read as much lore as possible about the setting to be able to immerse myself in the character. Like an actor portraying a role in a play, I try and put myself in there shoes, try and add as much of my own personality and opinions as the game permits and then play the role.
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, Neverwinter Nights, Mass Effect Andromeda, Anthem
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Dec 12, 2024 10:55:16 GMT
August 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, Neverwinter Nights, Mass Effect Andromeda, Anthem
Post by coldsteelblue on Sept 7, 2021 10:49:15 GMT
100% roleplay, why would I want to play myself? That's boring, I can be myself all hours of the day.
So I take my time, look at how the character(s) I'm making fit into the world, or don't & have them react that way, it can give me greater replayability, as if I'm just me, I might not play the game multiple times.
Give me different ways to play, different decisions, ranging from saintly lawful stupid to mustache twirling arsehole & I'll do it, for me, that's fun & I can really get emotionally involved with these characters too
My thoughts on this
ღ I am a golem. Obviously.
Gotta be kiddin me
August 2016
Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, Dragon Age The Veilguard
Post by phoray on Sept 7, 2021 12:14:00 GMT
Depends on how formed a character they are the first time I play. Hawke, I role play them as what I perceive to be them, informed by the first couple of decisions (think grieving their sibling being hard wired, and what to do with Wesley) but with my morals and preferences the first time around. I'm not immersed enough to romance someone I don't actually like the first time through, for example, so they are still controlled by my preference.
After knowing the story, I then go with a fully informed seed for following playthroughs.
Dragon Age Origins has allowed a pseudo self insert, a horn dog cousland, a cold elven mage with PTSD, and a dwarf that was as dumb as rocks.
Dragon Age 2 has allowed a pseudo self insert AND a frightening psychopath who argues with everyone. The range is so impressive
Dragon Age Inquisition pretty much only allows normal person parameters of ethics, so it's hard to play anyone outside of "trying to do good" or "kind of a selfish ass" but you can't be any of the cool things I've gotten to try in Origins or 2
Andromeda, I actually went in thinking I could roleplay a person actively grieving their dead parent and was so disappointed that I couldn't even do that, I had to make an entirely new character after I'd had time to grieve the lack of roleplay opportunity. So I made a Ryder that was only a little disappointed her dad was dead, and went from there Ryder is a young kinda brash inexperienced fool, easily tricked and disrespected by their team, good luck trying anything else. Good thing the story is...mostly good.
There ya go, more than you asked for.
Go Team!
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Mass Effect Andromeda, Anthem, Mass Effect Legendary Edition, Dragon Age The Veilguard
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Dec 12, 2024 13:28:44 GMT
Go Team!
December 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Mass Effect Andromeda, Anthem, Mass Effect Legendary Edition, Dragon Age The Veilguard
Post by sjsharp2010 on Sept 7, 2021 12:20:04 GMT
Both. First playthrough, and many replays, are more self-insert and then there are a few that are more creating a different character and acting as them. Yeah probably both for me as well. My first playthrough's of a new game are usually me and how I would react to a given situation at that time as on a first playthrough you don' treally know what's coming. Later playthroughs for me are more about playing th egame as different people and experiencing the world through their eyes based on their decisions.
Mar 12, 2017 22:45:38 GMT
March 2017
Post by duskwanderer on Sept 7, 2021 13:27:53 GMT
I never treat my first playthrough as my canon one mostly because I miss things. In DA2, I never got Fenris the first time.
After I playthrough it, I devise my canon playthrough.
DA:O had a City Elf interrupted at her wedding, where she killed her abductor, she willingly joined the Wardens. She saw no kinship with the Dalish, but instead ended the werewolf course because it was the right thing to do. She saved the mages because she had faith in her own abilities to kill the demons, writing off Cullen as maddened due to torture. She sided with Bhelen because she thought it would be better for all of Orzammar given how reliant they are on the surface. She sided with Branka first because she believed Caridin mad, but then when she saw how Branka was far gone, she convinced her to commit suicide. She used blood magic on Isolde to have Morrigan kill the demon (I know you can get the lyrium from the Circle, but that felt like a cop-out). Alistair wed Anora to rule while the Warden personally executed Loghain.
DA2 had a Blood Mage/Spirit Healer Hawke who approached every situation with humor. He had a great relationship with Carver, who got over his years of surliness. He had rivalries with Fenris (whom he considered bigoted) Anders (whom he never trusted), and Sebastian (who needed to assert himself for his throne) and friendships with Aveline (whom he always respected for saving him), Isabela (who was his partner in friendship), Merrill (whom he loved and natural curiosity about history drove him to help her) and Varric (his great little dwarf). Eventually, he sided with Meredith: He didn't trust her at all, but he knew Orsino was a problem.
DA:I had a dwarven warrior who was deeply faithful in both the Chant and the Stone. He romanced Cassandra, helped everyone with their problems, completed lots of quests, rifts, and the like, especially when booze was involved. He sided with Gaspard (while he wanted to help Briala, a relationship built on blackmail never lasts, and Celene was absolutely incompetent), he allied with the templars but brought in free mages who accepted responsibility came with power. He killed Abelas because he didn't trust the elves, and Stroud was left in the Fade. He went down to the Titan, became First-Thaw, and decided Solas was too far gone to save.
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ღ The Untitled
Jan 31, 2024 11:38:50 GMT
Just here for the cosplay
August 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda, SWTOR
Post by mousestalker on Sept 7, 2021 18:03:12 GMT
I usually start with a clear idea. But what typically happens is that my first PC is made up of pixels, bitter tears, regret and missed opportunities.
∯ Interjector in Chief
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Dec 12, 2024 13:31:49 GMT
August 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda, Anthem, Mass Effect Legendary Edition, Dragon Age The Veilguard
Post by Heimdall on Sept 7, 2021 19:45:39 GMT
I usually come to my canon after a playthrough or two to decide what story I like and what sort of character would be most fun to play in it.
My first playthrough is basically me, personality wise, and I make my choice of gender-race fairly arbitrarily.
Eventually I come up with an idea for a character personality that would be fun to play and use that for my canon. That personality is still partly me at a base level, I have a hard time committing to a character completely unlike myself.
Exalt the Dwarf Age!
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, Mass Effect Andromeda
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Exalt the Dwarf Age!
August 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, Mass Effect Andromeda
Post by ewigDunkelheit on Sept 7, 2021 20:51:18 GMT
I like to develop a canon character for my official Dragon Age story. It usually takes a couple of runs before I iron out the details.
My protagonist is always a character and role that has been developed as a separate entity, whose story I get to experience as a constant companion. While I may occasionally use personal pronouns when describing my gaming experience, I am always guiding this character through a story (though sometimes the characters will take the reins and surprise me).
Dec 12, 2024 11:35:41 GMT
Aug 17, 2016 10:19:37 GMT
August 2016
Post by colfoley on Sept 7, 2021 23:15:56 GMT
Always love this question when asked.
And no I don't play it as representing myself because I am an overweight computer game nerd and not some ancient hero of legend.
But yeah lets see here I usually do a character concept from the beginning of what I want to role with. Usually the male characters I can create are based, however loosely that may be, on another character from another franchise or medium, usually TV shows...the occasional movie, like my Inquisitor was named Benjamin and he was based on Obi-Wan Kenobi. While my female characters do tend to be complete original OCs even if their names are sometimes borrowed from other franchised, like my Fem Hawke was named 'Aeryn' like the Farscape character but whereas Aeryn Sun was an entirely serious peace keeper bad ass my Hawke ended up being more like...Jack O'Neill. And Kara Trevelyan was my female Inquisitor who shares an interesting and unintentional simularity(ies) to Kara Thrace from BSG...but the two similiarities were just that, unintentional.
The other thing about stuff I tend to do is usually I am very bad with following through on my plans. I had haped to create 3 Hawkes, one for each class so I could experience all the endings to, only ended up creating two of them, and four Inquisitors, one for each voice choice but only ended up creating two.
So keeping this in mind, changing game habits, and well a few things about where I hope they go with DA 4 right now I got plans for two protags.
Oliver- Male 'bow rogue' based off of Oliver Queen from Arrow. I am quite confident I will create him no matter what but I do wonder about backgrounds and hope that A. either he is somehow a non magical member of a Tevinter Royal Family...for some reason it just didn't stick. Or B. otherwise an assassin or spy background (given Oliver Queen's experiences with the League of Assassins and what's her face from Arrow) and given there is potential for both backgrounds I am confident.
Andromeda- A Female Mage. I have been thinking of, again options permitting, making her a member of the Magisterium but the idea just occured to me not yesterday that it might be fun rolling with her as an Elf...just not sure there is enough appostraphes to make it work.
Apr 14, 2022 23:07:25 GMT
Oy Gay
February 2017
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquistion
Post by gaycaravaggio on Sept 7, 2021 23:39:14 GMT
I make up characters for RPGs where you can customize the protagonist. I don't really do self-inserting. I don't really want to "live" in Thedas so much as I want to play around with the characters of the setting.
Posts: 847 Likes: 1,177
September 2016
Post by xerrai on Sept 8, 2021 0:08:47 GMT
I roleplay. Real life me is a boring person doing the daily wage grind like everyone else. And I can play into whatever role I choose quite well. I like customizing, and I (mostly) like the illusion of choice as presented in Dragon Age. With that and my personal headcanons, I am able to create a great myriad of protagonists within my head with great level of detail
But that all ends as soon as the game is over. I know when the credits role, my character--regardless of his/her imagined attributes--is truly Bioware's character first and foremost, and they create our protagonist for a very specific narrative purpose that may not align with what players created in their heads.
If Bioware decides that my Inquisitor, who I personally thought would cap the amount of influence her Inquisition had to keep the nobles at ease since most major conflicts were resolved, instead expanded her forces into an even greater power--there isn't much I can do about it. Because who knows? Something may have happened in the last 2 years that made "my" Inquisitor drastically change. In some cases even to the point I hardly recognized them.
Dec 12, 2024 11:06:34 GMT
Son of Dorn
Fortifying everything.
Jan 11, 2017 14:17:27 GMT
January 2017
Dragon Age Inquisition
Post by Son of Dorn on Sept 8, 2021 0:14:28 GMT
I just go with the flow choice wise.
Jun 17, 2017 17:29:55 GMT
Mar 18, 2017 16:32:40 GMT
March 2017
Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Jade Empire
Post by arvaarad on Sept 8, 2021 13:03:05 GMT
First playthrough is usually lighter on the roleplay, because I want to maximize companion retention + the amount of lore I can get. So they end up being sort of a peaceful, relentlessly curious doormat. Later playthroughs I usually have some alternate outcomes I really want to see, so I use those as tent pegs to build the character around. Since the first character is so diplomatic, that usually means subsequent characters are... messy. I don’t force them to hit all the alternate choices though (just the main ones I used to build their character around), so they’re a lot more consistently RP’d and have clearer personalities. But they, uh, definitely have some DEEP character flaws.
Nov 24, 2021 20:18:46 GMT
Oct 16, 2017 16:19:07 GMT
October 2017
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Jade Empire, SWTOR
Post by SirSourpuss on Sept 8, 2021 16:25:26 GMT
Walter Black
Sept 15, 2016 15:02:16 GMT
September 2016
Post by Walter Black on Sept 8, 2021 17:33:23 GMT
Like most people here, I almost never self insert. My approach is to treat my characters less like video games, and more like a writing collaborations with the game's creators. My PCS usually end up being a synthesis of broad archetypes I like to explore, and how Bioware's provided histories and the game'a events would affect them.
My main RP archetypes include, but are not limited to:
1. "Ideal Hero".
2.Easy going trickster who takes very little seriously.
3. Ruthlessly ambitious, yet pragmatic sort who wants to secure their own dynasty.
4. Grim antisocial who's had a horrible life, and wants the world to pay.
5. Average Joe in way over their head.
Sometimes I'll even mix and match types for added layers. After I pick which starting personality I'm going to explore, I think on how the Origin shaped them; their skills and connections, beliefs and desires, fears and prejudices, and so on.
Now just because they start a certain way, doesn't mean they end there. In Origins alone I had:
-a naive and spoiled male Cousland who grew up
- a bitter and vengeful female Tabris who let go of most (but not all) of her hatreds and became a true hero
-an idealistic female Aeducan who was completely shattered by the Deep Roads (especially the brood mother), and fanatically resolved to do anything to stop the Blight
-an elven mage who always insisted on only doing the "right" thing, even when it cost him valuable resources and Companions
-a weary Dalish determined to be a shining example of The People, yet screwed over most shemlen whenever he could.
This is ultimately why I feel DA *needs* Evil choices again; not to play psychopaths (I find such characters boring), but to explore our PC's complexities, potential hypocrisy, and growths. For our heroes to fall, and maybe find redemption.
Nov 30, 2024 22:31:33 GMT
Dec 22, 2018 19:03:58 GMT
December 2018
Post by samurailink on Sept 8, 2021 21:03:43 GMT
As I get further into the series and actually better understood the lore I find myself setting harder ideas of what my character believes themselves as opposed to what I personally want. But my first playthroughs were definitely picking what I would do, even if I didn't make me.
I've played so many runs of Origins and 2 at this point that a lot of the time now I'll base a whole character off a single outcome I want to achieve. Like making a Warden who would end up Married to Anora and going through the eluvian with a Loghain fathered Kieran. Or a run where Zevran is romanced by the Warden they become Queen and you make it clear to Alistair you're just in it for the politics.
I would love if my DA4 protag could be a gruff underground dwarf (be it Kal Sharok or Orzammar), who due to the close ties between Tevinter and the Dwarves, would try to change Tevinter as little as possible. I think a character like that coming to prominence would be cool for my main state.
Dec 31, 2021 19:39:42 GMT
Aug 30, 2016 16:55:35 GMT
August 2016
Post by garrusfan1 on Sept 28, 2021 12:23:15 GMT
Well since I am short and stalky and play as a qunari most of the time and am a very likable person in the game I would say it's more wish fufillment.
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Mass Effect Andromeda, Mass Effect Legendary Edition
Posts: 251 Likes: 696
Feb 17, 2021 21:09:45 GMT
February 2021
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Mass Effect Andromeda, Mass Effect Legendary Edition
Post by lk13 on Sept 28, 2021 13:01:43 GMT
I usually am annoyed at character creation the first time I play a RPG, because I know it's not going to be my "canon run" anyway (you miss conversations, missions, sometimes you fail them, you screw up leveling\crafting\money management, etc...) so I just go with the default characters the game presents me - if they're too bland, I "spice them up" a bit but never really change them much. After that first playthrough, I usually have a general idea of the character I want for my canon and their look... and so far none of them really resemble me to be honest - trying to remake myself in a videogame kinda takes me "out of the game", it becomes weird to me
Dec 31, 2021 19:39:42 GMT
Aug 30, 2016 16:55:35 GMT
August 2016
Post by garrusfan1 on Sept 28, 2021 17:27:28 GMT
As I get further into the series and actually better understood the lore I find myself setting harder ideas of what my character believes themselves as opposed to what I personally want. But my first playthroughs were definitely picking what I would do, even if I didn't make me. I've played so many runs of Origins and 2 at this point that a lot of the time now I'll base a whole character off a single outcome I want to achieve. Like making a Warden who would end up Married to Anora and going through the eluvian with a Loghain fathered Kieran. Or a run where Zevran is romanced by the Warden they become Queen and you make it clear to Alistair you're just in it for the politics. I would love if my DA4 protag could be a gruff underground dwarf (be it Kal Sharok or Orzammar), who due to the close ties between Tevinter and the Dwarves, would try to change Tevinter as little as possible. I think a character like that coming to prominence would be cool for my main state. Dragon age 2 had it's problems but I must have beat that game over thirty times and that is not an exageration.
The Good Drow
Dec 12, 2024 11:56:43 GMT
Stuck in the Forgotten Realms
August 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda
Post by Gilli on Sept 28, 2021 18:08:40 GMT
I have a ton of OCs and once a game is out I look at the class/specialisations and go: "Okay, which combination of race/class etc do I have to go to get X"
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August 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda, Anthem, Mass Effect Legendary Edition
Post by Hrungr on Sept 30, 2021 3:13:06 GMT