Aug 28, 2016 19:33:39 GMT
August 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Jade Empire
Post by RedCaesar97 on Jan 20, 2023 15:21:53 GMT
For Mass Effect 1 (per the post title):
VANGUARD: I choose Singularity most of the time. Other bonus powers depends on what I want to do in ME2 or ME3.
INFILTRATOR: - I usually take Assault Rifles or Shotguns, turning it into a Soldier that can unlock everything on its own. Assault Rifles is more attractive with the Legendary Edition due to the Marksman and Overkill changes. - In original ME1, I would take AI Hacking if I wanted to turn the class into an Engineer-type build. Immunity changes in the Legendary Edition make this less attractive. - I will take a biotic power if I want to fool play the ME2 and ME3 Infiltrators with a biotic bonus power, typically Lift or Warp.
SENTINEL: - In original ME1, I would usually take Assault Rifles as a bonus powers. Weapon changes in the Legendary Edition essentially removes the need to take a second weapon talent. - Singularity is good in the Legendary Edition, turning the Sentinel into an Adept that can unlock everything on its own. - AI Hacking can also be good for a Engineer-type build that has some biotics (crowd-control + Barrier).
Aug 28, 2016 19:33:39 GMT
August 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Jade Empire
Post by RedCaesar97 on Jan 21, 2023 13:49:24 GMT
If you want to use a tech power on Vanguard, then Encryption (Overload) and Decryption (Sabotage) are the only two that really matter since they allow you to unlock things. Liara has Encryption, so if you take Decryption and invest in it, then between you and Liara you can unlock everything and you can free up the third slot to take whomever you want. AI Hacking provides tech cooldown bonuses, which is why it is a decent good tech choice for Sentinel and Infiltrator to improve their tech recharge times. Damping is mid in my opinion. Using it will disable enemy tech and biotics for a short period. Basically, it will put enemy tech and biotic abilities into cooldown, and will increase the cooldowns the more you use it. This seems fine, except the initial duration is kind of short and they can still shoot at you. Immunity is also a combat power. Compare this to most biotics (Throw, Lift, Singularity, and Stasis) which will completely disable enemies for longer periods. With Damping, you essentially have to keep re-applying Damping to make it effective, or repeatedly use Damping and Sabotage to make most enemies harmless. Charging Krogan/Destroyers/Primes are not harmless. Here is a video I did with the original ME1 about Damping:
Note that I kited the enemies into a choke point. Most of the time you will walk into a large room and enemies will move around a lot. Early game your cooldowns are so long (and durations so short) that Damping is rather useless most of the time. This is why I think Liara and Kaidan -- and just biotics in general (Kaidan also has Neural Shock) -- are so good; they can disable enemies in one step where tech takes two steps (Sabotage and Damping) and they may still be moving around.
Aug 28, 2016 19:33:39 GMT
August 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Jade Empire
Post by RedCaesar97 on Jan 22, 2023 13:51:15 GMT
It not being overly effective was part of what I was going for. "Not being overly effective" is generally the problem with tech powers in ME1.