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Nov 26, 2024 19:38:36 GMT
Nov 26, 2024 19:38:36 GMT
January 1970
Post by Deleted on Jul 26, 2017 1:03:41 GMT
Parallels between Dead Space 3 and Mass Effect Andromeda? Neither were very successful?
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Mass Effect Andromeda, Anthem
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Jul 17, 2019 13:05:17 GMT
August 2016
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Post by ioannisdenton on Jul 26, 2017 9:18:00 GMT
yes, i thought the same, i love the DS games i loved ds3 it is sad and disappointing that no more games will be made and i thought the same about the statemens of both games very similar but me is not dead more games will be made no worry they do worry however, they want mass effect dead. That's their mentality as i can see it.
Ohm's Law Compels You
Qui-Gon GlenN7
In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is.
August 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, KOTOR, Jade Empire
Post by Qui-Gon GlenN7 on Jul 26, 2017 10:02:25 GMT
yes, i thought the same, i love the DS games i loved ds3 it is sad and disappointing that no more games will be made and i thought the same about the statemens of both games very similar but me is not dead more games will be made no worry they do worry however, they want mass effect dead. That's their mentality as i can see it. You completely misunderstand us if you think anybody wants the ME franchise dead. We just want a good game.
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR
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Sept 27, 2024 16:57:55 GMT
Sept 8, 2016 21:17:59 GMT
September 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR
Post by Sondergaard on Jul 26, 2017 10:31:47 GMT
they do worry however, they want mass effect dead. That's their mentality as i can see it. You completely misunderstand us if you think anybody wants the ME franchise dead. We just want a good game. Anything other than blind praise is 'wishing ME dead (and the devs, their families,pets, etc)'.
Nov 25, 2024 16:14:33 GMT
#more Asari
Mar 19, 2017 16:14:51 GMT
March 2017
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquistion, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda
UEG ShadowAngel
Post by ShadowAngel on Jul 26, 2017 10:32:54 GMT
they do worry however, they want mass effect dead. That's their mentality as i can see it. You completely misunderstand us if you think anybody wants the ME franchise dead. We just want a good game. I don't think people will ever see it that way. I see it happen everywhere on any game forum where criticism equates to "they want to kill the franchise". People just choose to ignore the fact that even your biggest "haters" are the biggest fans out there.
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda
Origin: JaegerBane
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Aug 11, 2017 17:15:47 GMT
June 2017
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Post by jaegerbane on Jul 26, 2017 11:18:48 GMT
I don't have a reason to cope.
I am seeing so many phases of grief here. This is really sad to witness. Each of you guys in your own phase. Some denial. Some anger. Some bargaining. It breaks my heart.
I never understand why all the edgelords need to post stuff like this. These sources might well be entirely correct. Hell, Kotaku might not have any sources and simply guessed, or the sources may be people who couldn't realistically offer insight, and they guessed correctly. The point of discussion was whether or not we can realistically expect them to be right. So far they're arguing that EA will change tack from every other game it's released in the last few years on the basis of 'I know, I'm a source'. If you want to try writing Evanescence songs then find a forum that covers it.
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda
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Aug 11, 2017 17:15:47 GMT
June 2017
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Post by jaegerbane on Jul 26, 2017 11:20:56 GMT
Andromeda on the other hand is a bit different,I read plenty of interviews before the release of Andromeda,pointing out that NO SEQUEL was planed as the game was not intended to be a franchise,it was a spin off and should be treated as such........which means Andromeda can't be cancelled as it was never intended to be continued. I don't remember anyone claiming MEA was supposed to be a one-off - have you got sources for those? (not saying you're lying or whatever, this is the first I've heard of it).
Sept 23, 2016 10:11:08 GMT
September 2016
Post by darkway1 on Jul 26, 2017 12:49:36 GMT
Andromeda on the other hand is a bit different,I read plenty of interviews before the release of Andromeda,pointing out that NO SEQUEL was planed as the game was not intended to be a franchise,it was a spin off and should be treated as such........which means Andromeda can't be cancelled as it was never intended to be continued. I don't remember anyone claiming MEA was supposed to be a one-off - have you got sources for those? (not saying you're lying or whatever, this is the first I've heard of it). I don't have a source to link off-hand and to be honest I can't be arsed to find one......but it's from interviews/comments made by key Bioware staff before Andromeda's launch (so the info won't be hard to find). Bioware made a point of saying that Andromeda was a spin-off,no sequel was planed (at the time) and was not intended to be a new franchise......if the game did well I suspect thing's would change,but they didn't go well,so I assume Bioware's original stance is still valid. It would be nice to simply ask Bioware what they have planned but we all know that getting info from Bioware is like trying to get blood out of a stone.
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Nov 26, 2024 19:35:50 GMT
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Post by Heimdall on Jul 26, 2017 13:01:44 GMT
I'm just going to repost this here because I think it's interesting and, if true, could indicate that Mass Effect Andromeda did better than I had thought sales-wise.
I found this Reddit post collecting everything we know about Mass Effect: Andromeda's initial sales numbers if anyone's interested:
According to this information, the financial data for Q4 seems to suggest MEA sold in the vicinity of 2.5 million units in the first week. That doesn't include 53$ million in sales recorded in Q4, but being counted in Q1 (The call specifies that these were related to "premium editions" of the game. Deluxe editions cost $70 and Super Deluxe cost $100, so dividing $53 million by 90$ price point and you get about 580,000). So it looks like MEA sold at or close to 3 million copies in the first week. That's more than Mass Effect 2 but a bit short of Mass Effect 3 (I doubt they were expecting it to beat Mass Effect 3), but that's only the first week. We don't know how sales have panned out since then.
While the critical receptions wasn't what they were hoping for, that's still quite successful, easily making back cost, so I don't see EA slapping this with the Dead Space 3 treatment. That being said, the reception might have EA rethinking their strategy.
Nov 25, 2024 16:14:33 GMT
#more Asari
Mar 19, 2017 16:14:51 GMT
March 2017
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquistion, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda
UEG ShadowAngel
Post by ShadowAngel on Jul 26, 2017 13:32:40 GMT
I don't remember anyone claiming MEA was supposed to be a one-off - have you got sources for those? (not saying you're lying or whatever, this is the first I've heard of it). I don't have a source to link off-hand and to be honest I can't be arsed to find one......but it's from interviews/comments made by key Bioware staff before Andromeda's launch (so the info won't be hard to find). Bioware made a point of saying that Andromeda was a spin-off,no sequel was planed (at the time) and was not intended to be a new franchise......if the game did well I suspect thing's would change,but they didn't go well,so I assume Bioware's original stance is still valid. It would be nice to simply ask Bioware what they have planned but we all know that getting info from Bioware is like trying to get blood out of a stone. is this, and more can be found but you've got to work around all the "Andromeda is canned", "bioware is downsized" articles on the way. (I had to go through 7 pages of crap till I got to this one). i recall bioware even saying that Ryder themselves may not get a direct sequel to their story, it all has to do with them trying to be more careful with choices carrying over into the next (courteous of ME3). They did however still say to hold onto our saves "just in case". honestly from my perspective they'd be better off skipping a certain amount of years in Andromeda to let time pass. Let the settlements grow so we see them develop, and get a new protagonist, there's various pathfinders to choose from and it's a chance to get bonus points from me if playable aliens were included in the single player. Andromeda (Ryder's story) can really get tied up with DLC with the way Andromeda ended, they're not essentially "needed" to be in sequals if they happen.
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Jul 17, 2019 13:05:17 GMT
August 2016
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Post by ioannisdenton on Jul 26, 2017 15:16:30 GMT
You completely misunderstand us if you think anybody wants the ME franchise dead. We just want a good game. Anything other than blind praise is 'wishing ME dead (and the devs, their families,pets, etc)'. it is not blind praise. it is stating what the game did good and what the game did wrong compared ofcourse to the previous trilogy. There are many who want mass effect dead, believe it or not. Saying you did not enjoy andromeda much or not at all is constructive and acceptable. Saying this game is crap, shitfest, cringy dialogue, laughable animations,no story, bad story, laughing stock, trash quality, trash, hot garbage etc is lies, misnformation and yeah a death wish for mass effect.
Champion of the Raven Queen
August 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Mass Effect Andromeda
Post by maximusarael020 on Jul 26, 2017 15:29:11 GMT
Anything other than blind praise is 'wishing ME dead (and the devs, their families,pets, etc)'. it is not blind praise. it is stating what the game did good and what the game did wrong compared ofcourse to the previous trilogy. There are many who want mass effect dead, believe it or not. Saying you did not enjoy andromeda much or not at all is constructive and acceptable. Saying this game is crap, shitfest, cringy dialogue, laughable animations,no story, bad story, laughing stock, trash quality, trash, hot garbage etc is lies, misnformation and yeah a death wish for mass effect. Totally agreed. There are criticisms to be made for sure. MEA is not perfect, and it's totally reasonable that some people would not enjoy it. But those just saying it's awful SJW garbage blah blah blah without helpful criticisms certainly seem to be loud here.
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR
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Sept 27, 2024 16:57:55 GMT
Sept 8, 2016 21:17:59 GMT
September 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR
Post by Sondergaard on Jul 26, 2017 15:42:33 GMT
Anything other than blind praise is 'wishing ME dead (and the devs, their families,pets, etc)'. it is not blind praise. it is stating what the game did good and what the game did wrong compared ofcourse to the previous trilogy. There are many who want mass effect dead, believe it or not. Saying you did not enjoy andromeda much or not at all is constructive and acceptable. Saying this game is crap, shitfest, cringy dialogue, laughable animations,no story, bad story, laughing stock, trash quality, trash, hot garbage etc is lies, misnformation and yeah a death wish for mass effect. That simply isn't the case, though. I have seen plenty of perfectly reasonable and well argued criticisms of ME:A dismissed out of hand as 'haterzzz!!!'. A sensible discussion here is pretty much impossible. But I find it amusing to try.
The Smiling Knight
August 2016
Post by smilesja on Jul 26, 2017 15:46:02 GMT
they do worry however, they want mass effect dead. That's their mentality as i can see it. You completely misunderstand us if you think anybody wants the ME franchise dead. We just want a good game. Then why do i enter a forum and some mentions ME: A one of the first responses is Mass Effect is dead or Bioware is dead. I'm not saying it happens here, but I don't think fans are exaggerating when they keep seeing constant posts about a game or company being dead.
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Mass Effect Andromeda, Anthem
PSN: Demis_Denton
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Jul 17, 2019 13:05:17 GMT
August 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Mass Effect Andromeda, Anthem
Post by ioannisdenton on Jul 26, 2017 15:49:30 GMT
it is not blind praise. it is stating what the game did good and what the game did wrong compared ofcourse to the previous trilogy. There are many who want mass effect dead, believe it or not. Saying you did not enjoy andromeda much or not at all is constructive and acceptable. Saying this game is crap, shitfest, cringy dialogue, laughable animations,no story, bad story, laughing stock, trash quality, trash, hot garbage etc is lies, misnformation and yeah a death wish for mass effect. That simply isn't the case, though. I have seen plenty of perfectly reasonable and well argued criticisms of ME:A dismissed out of hand as 'haterzzz!!!'. A sensible discussion here is pretty much impossible. But I find it amusing to try. ιNobody said andromeda is perfect, we all have something to say. i focus on the good stuff. the stuff that make me smile, the reason why i play videogames to begin with.
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR
Posts: 572 Likes: 975
Sept 27, 2024 16:57:55 GMT
Sept 8, 2016 21:17:59 GMT
September 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR
Post by Sondergaard on Jul 26, 2017 16:21:00 GMT
That simply isn't the case, though. I have seen plenty of perfectly reasonable and well argued criticisms of ME:A dismissed out of hand as 'haterzzz!!!'. A sensible discussion here is pretty much impossible. But I find it amusing to try. ιNobody said andromeda is perfect, we all have something to say. i focus on the good stuff. the stuff that make me smile, the reason why i play videogames to begin with. Good for you, but what has that got to do with my post? Anyway, as a fan of the OT I see it as my right to point out where ME:A falls short of what has gone before, mainly characters, story and dialogue. Despite being polite about it all I am constantly being labelled as a 'hater' for simply disagreeing with someone. Also, I'm not sure where you get the idea that many people wanted ME:A to fail. A few dickheads on YouTube cannot create an environment where a game will tank. This seems to be a smokescreen to allow any coherent criticism to be dismissed without actual discussion. Hater, loser, can't let the OT go, no life, wants to see others suffer and so much more hyperbolic shit is thrown at anyone who played the game but wasn't ecstatic about it and dares to point it out. BSN should not be a place where that behaviour is acceptable.
Ohm's Law Compels You
Qui-Gon GlenN7
In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is.
August 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, KOTOR, Jade Empire
Post by Qui-Gon GlenN7 on Jul 26, 2017 16:22:08 GMT
You completely misunderstand us if you think anybody wants the ME franchise dead. We just want a good game. Then why do i enter a forum and some mentions ME: A one of the first responses is Mass Effect is dead or Bioware is dead. I'm not saying it happens here, but I don't think fans are exaggerating when they keep seeing constant posts about a game or company being dead. Because some people feel betrayed, others let down, others feel as though their firstborn had been eaten. Not saying all responses are healthy, or fun to read and interact with, but they are normal human response. I don't want ME to be dead, and I think it is a more valuable franchise than DS, but I dunno. Some people are very angry with EA, and saw this coming from the very moment BioWare was acquired. I made a post about this, then, but it would very difficult to find since it was OG BSN. What I have seen, in steps, is the typical EA dismantling of a great company (Origin, from Lord Brittish Richard Garriot, was the first to get hung out to dry), and now the Enthusiasm is totally Annihilated. This leaves us with a BioWare that is only a name on a company. The founders are gone, many have left, many have been shuffled, and all answer to new masters that do not have our or BioWare's best interest as top priority - their priority is to shareholders. Yay capitalism. (As long as asshat businessfolk continue maximizing rather than optimizing, this will continue... Very anti-consumer) That BioWare doesn't get a pass anymore, and they have pinned themselves into a corner where they either make great games again, now, or they are dead to us. If a company that I followed for 20 years is actually dying to me, I should just find something else to do with my life, right? Must be so easy. I hold out hope, but I am skeptical as hell now and just a touch bitter.
The Smiling Knight
August 2016
Post by smilesja on Jul 26, 2017 16:25:24 GMT
Then why do i enter a forum and some mentions ME: A one of the first responses is Mass Effect is dead or Bioware is dead. I'm not saying it happens here, but I don't think fans are exaggerating when they keep seeing constant posts about a game or company being dead. Because some people feel betrayed, others let down, others feel as though their firstborn had been eaten. Not saying all responses are healthy, or fun to read and interact with, but they are normal human response. I don't want ME to be dead, and I think it is a more valuable franchise than DS, but I dunno. Some people are very angry with EA, and saw this coming from the very moment BioWare was acquired. I made a post about this, then, but it would very difficult to find since it was OG BSN. What I have seen, in steps, is the typical EA dismantling of a great company (Origin, from Lord Brittish Richard Garriot, was the first to get hung out to dry), and now the Enthusiasm is totally Annihilated. This leaves us with a BioWare that is only a name on a company. The founders are gone, many have left, many have been shuffled, and all answer to new masters that do not have our or BioWare's best interest as top priority - their priority is to shareholders. Yay capitalism. (As long as asshat businessfolk continue maximizing rather than optimizing, this will continue... Very anti-consumer) That BioWare doesn't get a pass anymore, and they have pinned themselves into a corner where they either make great games again, now, or they are dead to us. If a company that I followed for 20 years is actually dying to me, I should just find something else to do with my life, right? Must be so easy. I hold out hope, but I am skeptical as hell now and just a touch bitter. And that's the issue there. When someone posts an emotional response (I'm guilty of that) than it's usually responded by another emotional response. I think the blow back by fans onstage result of seeing months of bashing and mocking.
Ohm's Law Compels You
Qui-Gon GlenN7
In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is.
August 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, KOTOR, Jade Empire
Post by Qui-Gon GlenN7 on Jul 26, 2017 16:42:58 GMT
Yup. What we have is a bunch of people, acting like people, and then getting mad at each other for being people. This is not exclusive to this forum  However, we have solved mysteries before; if we solve this one we will have proven ourselves as the Shepard of communities. It is a tall order though.
The Twilight God
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate
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Jun 24, 2018 15:34:45 GMT
The Twilight God
September 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate
Post by The Twilight God on Jul 27, 2017 6:34:27 GMT
I am seeing so many phases of grief here. This is really sad to witness. Each of you guys in your own phase. Some denial. Some anger. Some bargaining. It breaks my heart.
Still no arguments and more personal attacks about mental states. How does one argue that the sky is blue? Or water is wet?
There is no argument. ME:A was a disappointment in EA's eyes. ME has been put on hold and the team scattered. That's just the fact of the matter. Again, there is nothing to argue. It is what it is.
The Twilight God
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate
Posts: 422 Likes: 389
Jun 24, 2018 15:34:45 GMT
The Twilight God
September 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate
Post by The Twilight God on Jul 27, 2017 6:37:40 GMT
I am seeing so many phases of grief here. This is really sad to witness. Each of you guys in your own phase. Some denial. Some anger. Some bargaining. It breaks my heart.
Seriously? I'm done. Blocked. Here you have it folks: Anger
Next comes bargaining. I really do feel for this person. It's so sad to witness.
Fen'Harel Faceman
GIF Addict
Workin' so hard, to make it easy.
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Fen'Harel Faceman
Workin' so hard, to make it easy.
August 2016
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Post by Fen'Harel Faceman on Jul 27, 2017 6:38:41 GMT
Still no arguments and more personal attacks about mental states. How does one argue that the sky is blue? Or water is wet?
There is no argument. ME:A was a disappointment in EA's eyes. ME has been put on hold and the team scattered. That's just the fact of the matter. Again, there is nothing to argue. It is what it is.
Still not an argument, just the same speculative spam that's been spouted brainlessly for months.
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda
Origin: JaegerBane
PSN: JaegerBane
Posts: 582 Likes: 1,110
Aug 11, 2017 17:15:47 GMT
June 2017
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda
Post by jaegerbane on Jul 27, 2017 11:54:49 GMT
How does one argue that the sky is blue? Or water is wet?
There is no argument. ME:A was a disappointment in EA's eyes. ME has been put on hold and the team scattered. That's just the fact of the matter. Again, there is nothing to argue. It is what it is.
Still not an argument, just the same speculative spam that's been spouted brainlessly for months. Dude, look, the earth is flat. I was on a plane once and I saw it. I can't tell you why seasons work but that's not my job. You just need to accept it and stop believing the Babylonian Brotherhood's attempts to hoodwink you.
Ohm's Law Compels You
Qui-Gon GlenN7
In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is.
August 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, KOTOR, Jade Empire
Post by Qui-Gon GlenN7 on Jul 27, 2017 13:11:25 GMT
Still not an argument, just the same speculative spam that's been spouted brainlessly for months. Dude, look, the earth is flat. I was on a plane once and I saw it. I can't tell you why seasons work but that's not my job. You just need to accept it and stop believing the Babylonian Brotherhood's attempts to hoodwink you. If you look at the Earth on your computer screen, it is flat. Case closed.
The Twilight God
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate
Posts: 422 Likes: 389
Jun 24, 2018 15:34:45 GMT
The Twilight God
September 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate
Post by The Twilight God on Jul 27, 2017 13:42:51 GMT
How does one argue that the sky is blue? Or water is wet?
There is no argument. ME:A was a disappointment in EA's eyes. ME has been put on hold and the team scattered. That's just the fact of the matter. Again, there is nothing to argue. It is what it is.
Still not an argument, just the same speculative spam that's been spouted brainlessly for months. You're still in denial.
The next stage is anger. Prepare yourself.