Old Scientist Contrarian
February 2017
Post by alanc9 on Aug 19, 2019 20:33:10 GMT
@ Polka Dot: nitpick time. Mass effect FTL drives work just fine, relays or no. When we ran the numbers they were somewhat better than TNG-era Star Trek warp drives. Obviously there's no conceptual problem with playing in the MEU without relays.
The catch is that in the immediate postwar era you'd be confined to a single cluster, since outside that cluster would be lots of nothing for a long distance. Start in the Local Group and inhabitable worlds would be limited to Earth, Demeter, Benning, whatever the planet at Alpha Centauri was named, and maybe a few others. Coincidentally, this is about the scale of ME:A.
Hope for the best, plan for the worst
Mar 15, 2017 21:36:52 GMT
March 2017
Post by griffith82 on Aug 19, 2019 21:43:06 GMT
I honestly don't know why anyone would want Shepard to come back, he/she was kinda boring. Where as Ryder is just a Boy/Girl Scout wannabe. There's people wanting Jesus to come back. Why do you think the zombie genre is do popular? Dont bring that into this. I'm a Christian and dont appreciate it.
Hope for the best, plan for the worst
Mar 15, 2017 21:36:52 GMT
March 2017
Post by griffith82 on Aug 19, 2019 21:45:13 GMT
No. Shepard's story is done and he/she said many times they wanted to retire.
Polka Dot
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, Mass Effect Andromeda
Posts: 679 Likes: 1,207
Feb 14, 2019 20:07:41 GMT
Polka Dot
Feb 14, 2019 18:50:29 GMT
February 2019
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, Mass Effect Andromeda
Post by Polka Dot on Aug 19, 2019 21:58:32 GMT
alanc9 Well, sure you could do some local travel, assuming you could find enough fuel locally. But the kind of planet-hopping people came to expect in MET would be out of the question. IIRC, I think I once guesstimated that it would take 20 years plus to travel from Earth to Rannoch using FTL - and that's assuming you could find adequate fuel along the way. The Andromeda expedition was specifically outfitted for such lengthy treks, probably with fuel scoops or somesuch. The existing MW fleets? Not so much. I'm imagining a scenario where you choose a destination on the galaxy map and get a pop-up telling you how many years it will take to get there and asking you to verify you want to take the trip. After spending enough credits to stock enough food and supplies to set out, you arrive at the destination with gray hair, wrinkles, and half of your crew in the brig after multiple mutinies. Fun, huh?
Deleted Member
Posts: 0
January 1970
Post by Deleted on Aug 19, 2019 22:14:37 GMT
You keep repeating that Andromeda 2 wouldn't sell, but you have not proven it or actually established it. All you've shown is that ME:A was not as well received as the MET games and denied every bit of evidence that people here have presented to you that ME:A was not the unmitigated disaster you keep wanting to say it was. All you've put forth are meme artists doing what they do to make their living... overtly and audaciously meme and criticize everything for entertainment. Your hero, PewDiePie is currently making an A$$ of hismelf playing Minecraft (OMG - The Floor is Made of Lava).
Even the people here who support a ME3 sequel have indicated that they would not backlash if ME:A2 were put out instead. Most people here have said that what they want first and foremost is a great game.
Sure, it's possible to make a great game and have it not sell gangbusters, but it is highly unlikely that a great game published by a AAA company would not sell a single copy. If Bioware's budget and expectations are reasonable and not dependent on selling copies like CoD, then it would still be a successful launch if the game merely sells in accordance with their expectations. It's true that ME:A did not sell as well as they expected it to, but EA categorically stated that it wasn't a huge loss for them. Yes, they shut down Bioware Montreal, but there is also evidence that could have been planned (to roll it into EA Motive) long before Andromeda was released.
You also have stated yourself that putting Shepard in the game doesn't resolve the issue. It doesn't guarantee huge sales either. A mediocre Shepard game would not sell well and it would likely further taint the opinions of the fans. You're just not listening to the people here who are repeatedly saying they don't want today's Bioware to mess with Shepard.
I keep saying that putting shepard back in the game isn't a "fix all" and the game doesn't have to be good but just having shepard would be enough. No I am saying they should have shepard because it will bring more people back with that alone. They will still have to advertise well and make a good game but shepard would be the hook. Also how many people are on this forum. Alot of people aren't still talking about Mass effect when the last game was made two years ago. You need to make fans of the game come back and add more. Bringing back shepard will bring back more old fans and their advertising will bring in more new fans and some more old fans. People are going to complain no matter what but the difference is they will buy the game and that's what is needed. In order to bring back good will for the next andromeda game (which I hope they make after the shepard game) they will have to make it good. So again shepard isn't a fix all but a hook to bring people in.
You're speculating and I simply disagree with your estimates. I think putting Shepard into a mediocre game would ultimately drive more people away from the franchise than it would encourage people to come back. The moment word got around that Shepard isn't the "same' as he/she was in the OT and that gets spun instantly into "Shepard isn't as good as he/she was in the OT"; the sales potential of such a game just dies. If they bring Shepard back without "fixing" ME3, you also piss off those fans who want him back expressly as a vehicle to convince Bioware to fix ME3 in the very specific way they want it fixed. In the meantime, you've also driven away the people who have been saying they don't want Shepard back AND the people who are merely looking forward to some continuation and eventual closure on the ME:A story. You're risking the entire fanbase on one character... one for whom the fanbase has extremely high and essentially unrealistic expectations about. Of the separate "factions" of this fractured fanbase, the easiest ones to please are the ones who merely want a continuation of Andromeda. There is essentially no expectation that such a continuation would give us the exact same personality of Ryder or any of the other characters in the game. The plot of the story could go anywhere. Nothing really has to be retconned beyond what has already been done and IS already canon within the MEU.
I'm speculating that bringing Shepard back would most likely do more harm than good. Since we're talking about speculation and future events, neither one can say for sure what will happen... but my crystal ball is every bit as valid as yours. All we can do is agree to disagree and wait to see what Bioware actually does and then wait to see how whatever they do do is received by the game playing public (note - I deliberately did not say "fans" here because the majority of the game playing public 5 years from now are likely not the current "fans" of Mass Effect).
Deleted Member
Posts: 0
January 1970
Post by Deleted on Aug 19, 2019 22:26:31 GMT
ME3 doesn't need to be fixed.
Old Scientist Contrarian
February 2017
Post by alanc9 on Aug 20, 2019 2:29:11 GMT
alanc9 Well, sure you could do some local travel, assuming you could find enough fuel locally. But the kind of planet-hopping people came to expect in MET would be out of the question. IIRC, I think I once guesstimated that it would take 20 years plus to travel from Earth to Rannoch using FTL - and that's assuming you could find adequate fuel along the way. The Andromeda expedition was specifically outfitted for such lengthy treks, probably with fuel scoops or somesuch. The existing MW fleets? Not so much. I'm imagining a scenario where you choose a destination on the galaxy map and get a pop-up telling you how many years it will take to get there and asking you to verify you want to take the trip. After spending enough credits to stock enough food and supplies to set out, you arrive at the destination with gray hair, wrinkles, and half of your crew in the brig after multiple mutinies. Fun, huh? Well, then, either we can only play as asari and krogan, or we just don't go to Rannoch. It's not like we would need to if the plot didn't demand it. You could write a plot where the ship crosses the galaxy, like ST:Voyager. I don't know if a pure linear experience would fly these days.
♨ Retired
August 2016
Post by themikefest on Aug 20, 2019 2:48:00 GMT
No. Shepard's story is done and he/she said many times they wanted to retire. Many times? Can you post a couple of those times Shepard saying he/she wanted to retire?
Hope for the best, plan for the worst
Mar 15, 2017 21:36:52 GMT
March 2017
Post by griffith82 on Aug 20, 2019 3:17:11 GMT
No. Shepard's story is done and he/she said many times they wanted to retire. Many times? Can you post a couple of those times Shepard saying he/she wanted to retire? Pretty sure Citadel dlc and at least once to Garus in the main game. Can I link specific moments? Not without replaying and recording and uploading. At least once in the briefing room to Liara too and I think priority Earth.
Polka Dot
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, Mass Effect Andromeda
Posts: 679 Likes: 1,207
Feb 14, 2019 20:07:41 GMT
Polka Dot
Feb 14, 2019 18:50:29 GMT
February 2019
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, Mass Effect Andromeda
Post by Polka Dot on Aug 20, 2019 4:38:27 GMT
alanc9 Well, sure you could do some local travel, assuming you could find enough fuel locally. But the kind of planet-hopping people came to expect in MET would be out of the question. IIRC, I think I once guesstimated that it would take 20 years plus to travel from Earth to Rannoch using FTL - and that's assuming you could find adequate fuel along the way. The Andromeda expedition was specifically outfitted for such lengthy treks, probably with fuel scoops or somesuch. The existing MW fleets? Not so much. I'm imagining a scenario where you choose a destination on the galaxy map and get a pop-up telling you how many years it will take to get there and asking you to verify you want to take the trip. After spending enough credits to stock enough food and supplies to set out, you arrive at the destination with gray hair, wrinkles, and half of your crew in the brig after multiple mutinies. Fun, huh? Well, then, either we can only play as asari and krogan, or we just don't go to Rannoch. It's not like we would need to if the plot didn't demand it. You could write a plot where the ship crosses the galaxy, like ST:Voyager. I don't know if a pure linear experience would fly these days. I've no idea what the folks pushing for another game with Shepard are expecting. My purpose was to name some of the ways in which the game would be completely unlike the trilogy (assuming they don't retcon everything). Also, the current status of galactic communications is pretty sketchy. Many of the QEC links were destroyed along with Arcturus. The reapers also wrecked most? all? of the comm buoys. I've no idea whether Earth could even contact any of the other planets immediately following the war. I'm imagining Shepard going from savior of the entire galaxy (SOTEG TM) to... trying to get the krogan to stop harrassing and wrestling livestock? Trying to find the perfect spot to build an enclosed biosphere suitable for quarian habitation? Going rogue and declaring herself emperor of the galaxy? I guess I figure the post-reaper war environment would be pretty dystopian and survival-oriented. MEA had shades of that, and people didn't seem to like that very much.
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Neverwinter Nights, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda, SWTOR
Origin: helios969
Prime Posts: No Clue
Prime Likes: Who Cares
Posts: 2,209 Likes: 3,219
August 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Neverwinter Nights, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda, SWTOR
No Clue
Who Cares
Post by helios969 on Aug 20, 2019 9:26:52 GMT
trying to get the krogan to stop harrassing and wrestling livestock? Lol, I had to give you a like on that alone. Well done.
♨ Retired
August 2016
Post by themikefest on Aug 20, 2019 13:57:43 GMT
So how about my idea of Shepard being in MEA2 that either be the real Shepard from ME1 and/or another clone created by Cerberus? Set up to be an antagonist or rival of sorts for Ryder to face? That is the ONLY way I would want to see Shepard back. Interesting. At the beginning, Shepard kills little Ryder and the player assumes the role of Shepard. I would be ok with that. that would be interesting to have ME1 Shepard to return as an antagonist......Also I don't see Post ME3 Reaper War Mass Effect game with Shepard and be successful.... I Know that themikefest will disagree with me on that. Maybe with an another Player character. I do disagree. If a sequel features Shepard going to darkspace to make sure the reapers are no longer a threat, even after being destroyed, that might catch the interest of players since they might want to know if there's another Citadel or whatever else the reapers may have built. Might even find information that can explain how the reapers travel so quickly, have the defenses and firepower they have.
August 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, KOTOR, Jade Empire
Post by Phantom on Aug 20, 2019 18:39:01 GMT
So how about my idea of Shepard being in MEA2 that either be the real Shepard from ME1 and/or another clone created by Cerberus? Set up to be an antagonist or rival of sorts for Ryder to face? That is the ONLY way I would want to see Shepard back. Interesting. At the beginning, Shepard kills little Ryder and the player assumes the role of Shepard. I would be ok with that. that would be interesting to have ME1 Shepard to return as an antagonist......Also I don't see Post ME3 Reaper War Mass Effect game with Shepard and be successful.... I Know that themikefest will disagree with me on that. Maybe with an another Player character. I do disagree. If a sequel features Shepard going to darkspace to make sure the reapers are no longer a threat, even after being destroyed, that might catch the interest of players since they might want to know if there's another Citadel or whatever else the reapers may have built. Might even find information that can explain how the reapers travel so quickly, have the defenses and firepower they have. Well I am of the camp that Mass Effect doesn't revolve around Shepard. True, Shepard is a charismatic leader and an extremely capable N7 Marine. Even with the N7, all of them are capable badasses. So having a game with them as well would be alright. I am in the camp of galaxy full of badasses. Also I am in the camp that if we get an new Player character, that he or she shouldn't undercut Shepard. For example, my Cerberus Phantom character as is, is the type of person that would be not dependent on Shepard or Shepard's actions or his crew. Like I say before, I am not opposed having a Playable Shepard cameo within my Cerberus Phantom character's arch where it makes sense. Too much of Shepard is a bad thing. Same with many of my ideas. For the rule of funny, having a Vorcha or a Volus saving the galaxy from a Reaper plot.
Old Scientist Contrarian
February 2017
Post by alanc9 on Aug 20, 2019 20:35:30 GMT
I do disagree. If a sequel features Shepard going to darkspace to make sure the reapers are no longer a threat, even after being destroyed, I'd support this concept , but only if it turns out that Shepard was wasting his time and the Reapers really had been destroyed.
Old Scientist Contrarian
February 2017
Post by alanc9 on Aug 20, 2019 20:40:12 GMT
I guess I figure the post-reaper war environment would be pretty dystopian and survival-oriented. MEA had shades of that, and people didn't seem to like that very much. I concur. A postwar ME game would be a lot like ME:A in several aspects. It'd almost be worth it to see Bio make this, just to watch people tie themselves in knots over the design.
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquistion, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda
Posts: 1,054 Likes: 2,934
Feb 23, 2017 18:40:36 GMT
February 2017
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquistion, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda
Post by Kabraxal on Aug 20, 2019 22:45:36 GMT
No. Let the OT rest already......
Go Team!
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Mass Effect Andromeda, Anthem, Mass Effect Legendary Edition, Dragon Age The Veilguard
Posts: 13,008 Likes: 21,047
Go Team!
December 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Mass Effect Andromeda, Anthem, Mass Effect Legendary Edition, Dragon Age The Veilguard
Post by sjsharp2010 on Aug 21, 2019 2:05:21 GMT
No. Shepard's story is over and there is nothing there left to tell. That's how I feel as well.
Nov 24, 2021 20:18:46 GMT
Oct 16, 2017 16:19:07 GMT
October 2017
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Jade Empire, SWTOR
Post by SirSourpuss on Aug 21, 2019 11:31:03 GMT
Bioware needs to make the decision that ensures the best market performance for their product and just like with Halo selling more copies when the Chief is the player character, so will Mass Effect sell more copies with Shepard as a player character. Why do they need to do this? Because of mediocre releases and poorly received products that underperformed financially compared to EA's expectations and EA's expectations are the most important thing, since on them hinges Bioware's survival or extinction.
♨ Retired
August 2016
Post by themikefest on Aug 21, 2019 13:07:42 GMT
I do disagree. If a sequel features Shepard going to darkspace to make sure the reapers are no longer a threat, even after being destroyed, I'd support this concept , but only if it turns out that Shepard was wasting his time and the Reapers really had been destroyed. Wasting time?
Dec 31, 2021 19:39:42 GMT
Aug 30, 2016 16:55:35 GMT
August 2016
Post by garrusfan1 on Aug 21, 2019 13:22:26 GMT
I keep saying that putting shepard back in the game isn't a "fix all" and the game doesn't have to be good but just having shepard would be enough. No I am saying they should have shepard because it will bring more people back with that alone. They will still have to advertise well and make a good game but shepard would be the hook. Also how many people are on this forum. Alot of people aren't still talking about Mass effect when the last game was made two years ago. You need to make fans of the game come back and add more. Bringing back shepard will bring back more old fans and their advertising will bring in more new fans and some more old fans. People are going to complain no matter what but the difference is they will buy the game and that's what is needed. In order to bring back good will for the next andromeda game (which I hope they make after the shepard game) they will have to make it good. So again shepard isn't a fix all but a hook to bring people in.
You're speculating and I simply disagree with your estimates. I think putting Shepard into a mediocre game would ultimately drive more people away from the franchise than it would encourage people to come back. The moment word got around that Shepard isn't the "same' as he/she was in the OT and that gets spun instantly into "Shepard isn't as good as he/she was in the OT"; the sales potential of such a game just dies. If they bring Shepard back without "fixing" ME3, you also piss off those fans who want him back expressly as a vehicle to convince Bioware to fix ME3 in the very specific way they want it fixed. In the meantime, you've also driven away the people who have been saying they don't want Shepard back AND the people who are merely looking forward to some continuation and eventual closure on the ME:A story. You're risking the entire fanbase on one character... one for whom the fanbase has extremely high and essentially unrealistic expectations about. Of the separate "factions" of this fractured fanbase, the easiest ones to please are the ones who merely want a continuation of Andromeda. There is essentially no expectation that such a continuation would give us the exact same personality of Ryder or any of the other characters in the game. The plot of the story could go anywhere. Nothing really has to be retconned beyond what has already been done and IS already canon within the MEU.
I'm speculating that bringing Shepard back would most likely do more harm than good. Since we're talking about speculation and future events, neither one can say for sure what will happen... but my crystal ball is every bit as valid as yours. All we can do is agree to disagree and wait to see what Bioware actually does and then wait to see how whatever they do do is received by the game playing public (note - I deliberately did not say "fans" here because the majority of the game playing public 5 years from now are likely not the current "fans" of Mass Effect).
Yes but it would bring back those old fans. Also the game would have to be good. Yes some people will complain but people ALWAYS complain to some degree. The thing that matters is if MOST people like the game and it sells well.
Nov 17, 2024 22:23:52 GMT
Hanako Ikezawa
August 2016
Post by Hanako Ikezawa on Aug 21, 2019 17:14:19 GMT
Bioware needs to make the decision that ensures the best market performance for their product and just like with Halo selling more copies when the Chief is the player character, so will Mass Effect sell more copies with Shepard as a player character. Why do they need to do this? Because of mediocre releases and poorly received products that underperformed financially compared to EA's expectations and EA's expectations are the most important thing, since on them hinges Bioware's survival or extinction. You keep using the Halo series as an example, and yet Halo: Reach is the second best selling game in that series and doesn’t have John as the main character.
Nov 24, 2021 20:18:46 GMT
Oct 16, 2017 16:19:07 GMT
October 2017
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Jade Empire, SWTOR
Post by SirSourpuss on Aug 21, 2019 17:33:47 GMT
You keep using the Halo series as an example, and yet Halo: Reach is the second best selling game in that series and doesn’t have John as the main character. And ODST isn't. Guardians isn't. Halo Wars isn't. The Chief sells better. Also Mario outsells Luigi, Sonic outsells Shadow. You made me dig out the Shadow the Hedgehog video game. How dare you? How dare you!
Nov 17, 2024 22:23:52 GMT
Hanako Ikezawa
August 2016
Post by Hanako Ikezawa on Aug 21, 2019 17:40:46 GMT
You keep using the Halo series as an example, and yet Halo: Reach is the second best selling game in that series and doesn’t have John as the main character. And ODST isn't. Guardians isn't. Halo Wars isn't. The Chief sells better. Also Mario outsells Luigi, Sonic outsells Shadow. You made me dig out the Shadow the Hedgehog video game. How dare you? How dare you! ODST sold more than Halo:CE. Halo 5 has John as one of the protagonists and sold about as much as Halo:CE. Halo Wars are a different genre of game than the others. You’re just hurting your argument more.
Nov 24, 2021 20:18:46 GMT
Oct 16, 2017 16:19:07 GMT
October 2017
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Jade Empire, SWTOR
Post by SirSourpuss on Aug 21, 2019 17:47:04 GMT
ODST was also released far later than Halo CE, an original XBOX game, an era where the gaming audience grew exponentially, in regards to the audience gaming use to have. You have to adjust sales for their time. And yes, 343 studios are having their own troubles because of how they mismanaged the franchise and the fanbase, very much like Bioware has, but people still turned up for the Chief, because they love the Chief and that's why 343 went back to him, because he sells copies.
Old Scientist Contrarian
February 2017
Post by alanc9 on Aug 21, 2019 17:50:17 GMT
I'd support this concept , but only if it turns out that Shepard was wasting his time and the Reapers really had been destroyed. Wasting time? Yep. He goes to darkspace and finds out that the Reapers really were destroyed, and there wasn't anything out there except maybe a few Reaper corpses which are just like the ones littering the Milky Way.