I had a feeling she would she sounded great in the December trailer just the kind of girl I like as my hero. Just as I loved the way Alix did the Inquisitor in DAI. AShe did great as both the Inquisitor and as Traynor as well which was wh y I was pleased for her when I heard she got the role of Inquisitor in DAI
I didn't like Alix voice as Inquisitor the first time I played Inquisition, so I went with Nyreen. I loved her as Traynor, but somehow I'm more confortable with American Accent for playable characters than British. However, now I'm rolling the second playthrough, I LOVE Alix way to play Inquistor role's. I think she is more nuanced I gave her credit for the first time, I'm very pleased.
Es posible que en Cuba el verbo coger es simplemente "to take something" o es como en Argentina y otras partes de latinoamérica donde coger es... mejor decir "tomar" en su lugar?
chococri It's not that bad! Maybe it happened to you but once you get used to the original voice acting, you never go back to the dubbed version
Also, embarrasing solutions like "SUJETA EL PORTÓN!!" of Game of Thrones :lmfao:
I don't know... From Dragon Age Origins to DAI, from Mass Effect 1 to 3, we have never had Spanish dubbed version of Bioware games. And I am OK with that, I prefer the original voice acting by far
no me jodas. NEVER? Seems like a lost opportunity for memes (or recochineo)
Nice to see a custom Scott, but they picked all the same dialog options as IGN and cut off just before they could check on Sara's pod. Should have at least shown off the Spanish voice localization for their viewers.
I don't know... From Dragon Age Origins to DAI, from Mass Effect 1 to 3, we have never had Spanish dubbed version of Bioware games. And I am OK with that, I prefer the original voice acting by far
I'm so optimistic about Sara's trailer that I expect it to be with Sara with the helmet always on!
yeah I'd imagine it'll show a clip of at least one of her romances it has to to be fair given we've seen 2 of Scott's.I'd like it to be Liam as he's the most obvious one I think given we know Cora's available to Scott. I was planning even before I knew she was available that I was going to hook up with Cora with my first Scott.
If I'm honest? I don't mind if there is no romance in the trailer, altough I wouldn't mind to see Liam confirmed for Sara Ryder (or Peebee like the obvious choice). They could simply remove any romance of the trailer (and fucking confirm via twitter at least one option for f/m f/f and m/m).
I just want to see my gurl kicking assess without her helmet, saying inspiring or cliche things like Scott. Like a movie trailer :sob: :sob: :sob:
So, just to reassure myself, anyone having a strong bi vibe from him? His overall curious and inquisitive attitude towards other races and the fact that his design share the same colors as the Bi Pride flag. Please Bioware don't do this to me.
If he is not bi I will be very pissed. I mean... I barely find excuses to keep heterosexual alien romances. They will romance you, A FUCKING ALIEN FOR THEM. But they are "no homo"?
Because in my playthough, she never did that. She took my Shepard telling her she just wanted to be friends with lots of embarrassment, but total acceptance and never mentioned it ever again.
ME1 had a awful bug where the renegade no stuck you in her romance (and you could never escape).
That's how my super racist renedouche ended up with Liara as an LI. Hilarious.
Oh, I thought all of you were referring to when she shames the sex life of romanceable Tali