Jul 18, 2017 16:26:05 GMT
July 2017
Post by Thebunzz on Oct 23, 2017 16:13:52 GMT
Lol this ninny again? I'd start with the jump system taking away from the scale and depth of environments over players not spending on micro transactions. In the end the game just didn't deliver anything emotional or exciting for me, just another pointless shooter.
Dec 22, 2017 23:13:25 GMT
June 2017
Post by seductivewizard on Oct 23, 2017 16:19:47 GMT
Since I went ahead and clicked the silly button to see it, I guess I'll put the minimum of effort into responding. Tee hee. ME3MP Highlights: 1- Floating Off-host vangaurds 2- Stupid Slow Geth Melees (guaranteed to get you killed if you accidentally hit the melee button) 3- Non-Viable melees for any kit except the krogan 4- Hunter Mode that made you blind after 1 game. 5- Turian Soldier and Turian Sentinel couldn't dodge. Couldn't fucking dodge! Arnold Schwarznegger would have been more mobile perhaps. 6- Fat Krogans couldn't dodge. Couldn't fucking dodge! 7- None of the Krogans regen'd health AS THE LORE SUGGESTS! (expect for the warlord, you wouldn't last a second if you weren't in rage with the tank that he's supposed to be) 8- Useless Voluses = Platinum dead weights 9- OP Reegar Carbine. All scrubs couldn't last a second without it. Claymore? Nah, barely ever saw one on plat. 10- Enormously dumb passive trees, more health, more melee damage as you rank up the tree (unique powers were built into the passive trees in MEAMP) 11- No jet packs, keep running round and round between a buncha ugly lookin boxes put together. 12- Ugly maps 13- Dumber AI 14- Heavily imbalanced kits. A elite player with a quarian engineer could NOT beat a complete scrub running EDI with a Reegar Carbine. 15- No dive bomb AoE melees 16- Several softer kits could not last a plat round without cyc mod IV! Every kit on MEA has tools to survive on plat without shield mods. 17- Stupid useless turrets 18- No elemental tech 19- Poor skill tree evolutions/design on all powers ( if you compare the same power reintroduced in MEAMP) The only thing one would miss about ME3 is the Krogan Melee. Everything else is just plain inferior. Oh, i guess i gave a comprehensive analysis here too. it up kid. ME3MP is good, but, its inferior to MEAMP Here we go. 1. You should try playing it since July of 2012, when they fixed that. 2. HAHAHAHA L2P!!! 3. If you can't figure out melee for ME 3 MP, you may want to try Narrative Mode. 4. I AGREE WITH YOU IT'S A FUCKING MIRACLE (but only true for 1 in 3 players. I did a poll.) 5. I'd like to introduce you to a concept called "Game Balance." You'll undoubtedly find it is very new to you, like many design elements appear to be. 6. I'd tell you read your own sentence again until you understand why that is, but like the flat-earther claiming he has believers around the globe, I'm pretty sure you won't get it. 7. If you can't survive with Krogan in ME 3 MP, you'll definitely need narrative mode. If you can't survive with a Warlord, buy a helmet. 8. You obviously don't know how to roll with the punches. Also L2P. 9. I rarely saw the Reegar, and when I did, it had virtually no effect on my enjoyment or performance when someone used it. Probably because I don't suck. 10. Oh my god, MORE health as you move up the tree, MORE damage as you move up the tree! Who'dathunkit!? 11. You mean not every character moved the same? Yeah, who could imagine how gameplay variety could keep something interesting. 12. Not as ugly as your attitude (BURN) >8) 13. Legion is busy asking you if he has a soul. Don't worry, with narrative difficulty, it's just one click to get through it. 14. Right, imbalanced kits, as compared to my common rank XX kits stacking up to my Ultra Rare Rank I kits, right? No? No because that would be a tardycap'd comparison? 15. Yea, thank god for that. That would have been really weird since that thing on our backs isn't a jetpack, and trying it use it like one would blow the character up. Logic. 16. So your point is that all kits were viable on Plat with the use of equipment? You may want to re-read that first sentence if you think it said something different. 17. I didn't mind turrets, but I'll counter with the uselesness of designing MEA kits with powers that cancel their other powers (of which they only have three.) SMRT! 18. Oops, I didn't know you were actually tardycap'd. That's not fair, because you've turned my joke into a hate-crime! 19. So actual variety is worse than recycling a small number of powers? Oops, I'll go back and re-read my answer for 18 before I accidentally type something that makes me guilty of t'rr''rr'sm. It's not actually a mystery, it's both. 1. I believe i posted videos on youtube in Jan 2015 of vanguards floating up in the sky like enlightened beings. 2. Bronze heros like you do the impossible on Bronze. 3. Bronze heros like you do the impossible on Bronze. 5. Turians with all that REACH and FLEXIBILITY couldn't dodge AS THE LORE SUGGESTS. Krogans who fought thresher maws couldn't dodge. You understand NOTHING about balance and ME3 is a glorious embodiment of heavily imbalanced kits. 6. I'll board a Elon Musk spaceship and write you a letter from Mars about how flat your cranial matter looks. Hmm, i suddenly realize that its such a waste of time responding to the rest of your bull, i'll make it short.... 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 ,etc. You are a li'l boy who drank way too much ME3 Kool-Aid. It has hurt your neural network density way too much (irreversible). Good luck
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda, Anthem
Origin: DonMarfil
Posts: 190 Likes: 574
August 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda, Anthem
Post by DonMarfil on Oct 23, 2017 16:29:12 GMT
Hmm, i suddenly realize that its such a waste of time responding to the rest of your bull, i'll make it short.... 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 ,etc. You are a li'l boy who drank way too much ME3 Kool-Aid. It has hurt your neural network density way too much (irreversible). Good luck Move on guys, there's no actual discussion to see here, just insults. Move on!
Jul 18, 2017 16:26:05 GMT
July 2017
Post by Thebunzz on Oct 23, 2017 16:42:55 GMT
Since I went ahead and clicked the silly button to see it, I guess I'll put the minimum of effort into responding. Tee hee. Here we go. 1. You should try playing it since July of 2012, when they fixed that. 2. HAHAHAHA L2P!!! 3. If you can't figure out melee for ME 3 MP, you may want to try Narrative Mode. 4. I AGREE WITH YOU IT'S A FUCKING MIRACLE (but only true for 1 in 3 players. I did a poll.) 5. I'd like to introduce you to a concept called "Game Balance." You'll undoubtedly find it is very new to you, like many design elements appear to be. 6. I'd tell you read your own sentence again until you understand why that is, but like the flat-earther claiming he has believers around the globe, I'm pretty sure you won't get it. 7. If you can't survive with Krogan in ME 3 MP, you'll definitely need narrative mode. If you can't survive with a Warlord, buy a helmet. 8. You obviously don't know how to roll with the punches. Also L2P. 9. I rarely saw the Reegar, and when I did, it had virtually no effect on my enjoyment or performance when someone used it. Probably because I don't suck. 10. Oh my god, MORE health as you move up the tree, MORE damage as you move up the tree! Who'dathunkit!? 11. You mean not every character moved the same? Yeah, who could imagine how gameplay variety could keep something interesting. 12. Not as ugly as your attitude (BURN) >8) 13. Legion is busy asking you if he has a soul. Don't worry, with narrative difficulty, it's just one click to get through it. 14. Right, imbalanced kits, as compared to my common rank XX kits stacking up to my Ultra Rare Rank I kits, right? No? No because that would be a tardycap'd comparison? 15. Yea, thank god for that. That would have been really weird since that thing on our backs isn't a jetpack, and trying it use it like one would blow the character up. Logic. 16. So your point is that all kits were viable on Plat with the use of equipment? You may want to re-read that first sentence if you think it said something different. 17. I didn't mind turrets, but I'll counter with the uselesness of designing MEA kits with powers that cancel their other powers (of which they only have three.) SMRT! 18. Oops, I didn't know you were actually tardycap'd. That's not fair, because you've turned my joke into a hate-crime! 19. So actual variety is worse than recycling a small number of powers? Oops, I'll go back and re-read my answer for 18 before I accidentally type something that makes me guilty of t'rr''rr'sm. It's not actually a mystery, it's both. 1. I believe i posted videos on youtube in Jan 2015 of vanguards floating up in the sky like enlightened beings. 2. Bronze heros like you do the impossible on Bronze. 3. Bronze heros like you do the impossible on Bronze. 5. Turians with all that REACH and FLEXIBILITY couldn't dodge AS THE LORE SUGGESTS. Krogans who fought thresher maws couldn't dodge. You understand NOTHING about balance and ME3 is a glorious embodiment of heavily imbalanced kits. 6. I'll board a Elon Musk spaceship and write you a letter from Mars about how flat your cranial matter looks. Hmm, i suddenly realize that its such a waste of time responding to the rest of your bull, i'll make it short.... 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 ,etc. You are a li'l boy who drank way too much ME3 Kool-Aid. It has hurt your neural network density way too much (irreversible). Good luck I think you're the only on sipping that koolaid. Where's #4 genius?
Ohm's Law Compels You
Qui-Gon GlenN7
In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is.
August 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, KOTOR, Jade Empire
Post by Qui-Gon GlenN7 on Oct 23, 2017 17:54:24 GMT
I expect it's a bit of a wash, what with the MP lootboxes being the reason for ME:A's existence in the first place. The real problem is that EA/BW Management believe (falsely) that the success of ME 3 MP was because MP is inherently more popular and lucrative for all genres/companies, rather than being specific to genres/companies. That cookie-cutter mentality prevented them from seeing that ME 3 MP's success was a cross-section of elements that included continuing to represent the diversity/lore of the single player campaign. Krogan had nuanced melee (especially the orgasmic Warlord.) Volus couldn't even interact with cover (not that I see how that is lore-friendly, so much as a practical concern, but the point is that a Volus didn't play like an Asari or anything else.) Every species had its own unique flavour. They didn't use cookie-cutter designs, even if there were some kits with heavy similarities/crossover (which were exceptions, rather than the rule.) When I try to remember which kits I preferred in ME:A, I have a hard time remembering them in those terms, because mostly they were slight variations on power setups. They all jumped the same, dodged the same, attacked the same, and 80% of them use an almost identical melee punch with slightly tweaked combat numbers. Honestly, if they'd had enough imagination to come up with a locomotion system that didn't work exactly the same for every species and character, I bet a lot of people would be playing through the other problems. I'd still be playing if it meant I could roll with a Volus or whack an enemy with a 3-hit hammer combo. Or something fast and deadly like a Shadow or Drell. Mind you, there were kits I never played that may have had some of those qualities, but if you're going to lock "gameplay variety" behind an Ultra-Rare paywall, you can't be surprised if I stop playing before I'm willing to spend money on gambling for a maybe-interesting-new kit. Great post! Another factor in the success of ME3MP that would never be repeated - some people, myself included, were so disenfranchised by the endings that playing more SP before the DLCs came out was just not gonna happen, yet I still wanted to play Mass Effect (as usually I would immediately start a new playthrough with previous BW titles). So, I started playing the MP that I never wanted and argued against, and ended up loving it. That is lightning in a bottle - good luck catching it again.
November 2016
Post by operatorm1 on Oct 23, 2017 18:59:11 GMT
So, apparently, Manveer Heir did an interview on MEA recently. I haven't heard all of it but bossattack (thx!) was so kind to post some highlights (some of which were addressed by Jason Schreier as well, as I gather) and I would like to highlight the most interesting highlight: "Mass Effect 3's lootboxes alone were INSANELY successful. ME3's MP alone made EA a lot of money, though he couldn't legally give specifics. The success of ME3's MP is why Dragon Age: Inquisition and every other further EA title had MP put into it. Apparently, one person alone dropped $15,000 into ME3's MP lootbox system."So - in a sense - we, the MPers, might be considered responsible for the success of the franchise by throwing money so lavishly at ME3MP, yet our refraining from doing so in MEAMP might then just as well be argued to have killed it. Either way, the remark leaves me with a sense of pride, misguided though it may be... Link to Manveer Heir interview on Waypoint:
Link to bossattack's OP on SP subforums: did express a small fear back on the olde-time bioware forums that once EA caught wind of how much money MP was going to net them, we would see far more predatory systems creating incentives in the wrong ways. And here we are a half a year later with an impossibly huge manifest full of lazy bloat, skillpoints locked behind getting 10 of the same character card, and only now have a somewhat decent assortment of pack types to help get what we want. And worst of all, no quarian bum-bum. Lol this ninny again? I'd start with the jump system taking away from the scale and depth of environments over players not spending on micro transactions. In the end the game just didn't deliver anything emotional or exciting for me, just another pointless shooter. This is also true. The mobility, and the absurd amount of enemy-rush meant to make the player use it + counter camping made this game feel less like mass effect.
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Mass Effect Andromeda
PSN: Kei-kun8610
Posts: 15 Likes: 23
Jan 18, 2018 18:36:40 GMT
October 2017
Mass Effect Trilogy, Mass Effect Andromeda
Post by captainkei on Oct 23, 2017 19:51:43 GMT
I expect it's a bit of a wash, what with the MP lootboxes being the reason for ME:A's existence in the first place. The real problem is that EA/BW Management believe (falsely) that the success of ME 3 MP was because MP is inherently more popular and lucrative for all genres/companies, rather than being specific to genres/companies. That cookie-cutter mentality prevented them from seeing that ME 3 MP's success was a cross-section of elements that included continuing to represent the diversity/lore of the single player campaign. Krogan had nuanced melee (especially the orgasmic Warlord.) Volus couldn't even interact with cover (not that I see how that is lore-friendly, so much as a practical concern, but the point is that a Volus didn't play like an Asari or anything else.) Every species had its own unique flavour. They didn't use cookie-cutter designs, even if there were some kits with heavy similarities/crossover (which were exceptions, rather than the rule.) When I try to remember which kits I preferred in ME:A, I have a hard time remembering them in those terms, because mostly they were slight variations on power setups. They all jumped the same, dodged the same, attacked the same, and 80% of them use an almost identical melee punch with slightly tweaked combat numbers. Honestly, if they'd had enough imagination to come up with a locomotion system that didn't work exactly the same for every species and character, I bet a lot of people would be playing through the other problems. I'd still be playing if it meant I could roll with a Volus or whack an enemy with a 3-hit hammer combo. Or something fast and deadly like a Shadow or Drell. Mind you, there were kits I never played that may have had some of those qualities, but if you're going to lock "gameplay variety" behind an Ultra-Rare paywall, you can't be surprised if I stop playing before I'm willing to spend money on gambling for a maybe-interesting-new kit. ME3MP Highlights: - Floating Off-host vangaurds - Stupid Slow Geth Melees (guaranteed to get you killed if you accidentally hit the melee button) - Non-Viable melees for any kit except the krogan - Hunter Mode that made you blind after 1 game. - Turian Soldier and Turian Sentinel couldn't dodge. Couldn't fucking dodge! Arnold Schwarznegger would have been more mobile perhaps. - Fat Krogans couldn't dodge. Couldn't fucking dodge! - None of the Krogans regen'd health AS THE LORE SUGGESTS! (expect for the warlord, you wouldn't last a second if you weren't in rage with the tank that he's supposed to be) - Useless Voluses = Platinum dead weights - OP Reegar Carbine. All scrubs couldn't last a second without it. Claymore? Nah, barely ever saw one on plat. - Enormously dumb passive trees, more health, more melee damage as you rank up the tree (unique powers were built into the passive trees in MEAMP) - No jet packs, keep running round and round between a buncha ugly lookin boxes put together. - Ugly maps - Dumber AI - Heavily imbalanced kits. A elite player with a quarian engineer could NOT beat a complete scrub running EDI with a Reegar Carbine. - No dive bomb AoE melees - Several softer kits could not last a plat round without cyc mod IV! Every kit on MEA has tools to survive on plat without shield mods. - Stupid useless turrets - No elemental tech - Poor skill tree evolutions/design on all powers ( if you compare the same power reintroduced in MEAMP) The only thing one would miss about ME3 is the Krogan Melee. Everything else is just plain inferior. Oh, i guess i gave a comprehensive analysis here too. it up kid. ME3MP is good, but, its inferior to MEAMP I disagree with a lot of this. As stated by someone previously, some are even positives. I do take particular issue with the quarian engineer comment. I regularly outscored almost any other kit with that engineer, especially EDIs with the superior *for that kit* Piranha or Raider, and I played platinum almost exclusively.
Ohm's Law Compels You
Qui-Gon GlenN7
In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is.
August 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, KOTOR, Jade Empire
Post by Qui-Gon GlenN7 on Oct 23, 2017 22:16:40 GMT
Lord Fortack is laughing a hearty Krogan laugh at the thought of the Quarian Female Engineer being a low-scoring shit class.
I am too. Claymore, aim, it ain't complicated. Cryo Blast all the things.
Every post reductiveblizzard makes just further confirms that it was not a scrub at ME3MP, he just never played it with anyone that knew what they were doing. Or installed any DLCs.... Floating Vanguards in 2015 my ass.
Dec 22, 2017 23:13:25 GMT
June 2017
Post by seductivewizard on Oct 24, 2017 1:17:43 GMT
Lord Fortack is laughing a hearty Krogan laugh at the thought of the Quarian Female Engineer being a low-scoring shit class. I am too. Claymore, aim, it ain't complicated. Cryo Blast all the things. Every post reductiveblizzard makes just further confirms that it was not a scrub at ME3MP, he just never played it with anyone that knew what they were doing. Or installed any DLCs.... Floating Vanguards in 2015 my ass. Frankenstein, I recall doing solo plats with the Quarian Engineer. You must be quite the expert with that character eh? I can tell.
Apr 19, 2017 19:26:11 GMT
April 2017
Post by shinobiwan on Oct 24, 2017 1:31:01 GMT
Since I went ahead and clicked the silly button to see it, I guess I'll put the minimum of effort into responding. Tee hee. Here we go. 1. You should try playing it since July of 2012, when they fixed that. 2. HAHAHAHA L2P!!! 3. If you can't figure out melee for ME 3 MP, you may want to try Narrative Mode. 4. I AGREE WITH YOU IT'S A FUCKING MIRACLE (but only true for 1 in 3 players. I did a poll.) 5. I'd like to introduce you to a concept called "Game Balance." You'll undoubtedly find it is very new to you, like many design elements appear to be. 6. I'd tell you read your own sentence again until you understand why that is, but like the flat-earther claiming he has believers around the globe, I'm pretty sure you won't get it. 7. If you can't survive with Krogan in ME 3 MP, you'll definitely need narrative mode. If you can't survive with a Warlord, buy a helmet. 8. You obviously don't know how to roll with the punches. Also L2P. 9. I rarely saw the Reegar, and when I did, it had virtually no effect on my enjoyment or performance when someone used it. Probably because I don't suck. 10. Oh my god, MORE health as you move up the tree, MORE damage as you move up the tree! Who'dathunkit!? 11. You mean not every character moved the same? Yeah, who could imagine how gameplay variety could keep something interesting. 12. Not as ugly as your attitude (BURN) >8) 13. Legion is busy asking you if he has a soul. Don't worry, with narrative difficulty, it's just one click to get through it. 14. Right, imbalanced kits, as compared to my common rank XX kits stacking up to my Ultra Rare Rank I kits, right? No? No because that would be a tardycap'd comparison? 15. Yea, thank god for that. That would have been really weird since that thing on our backs isn't a jetpack, and trying it use it like one would blow the character up. Logic. 16. So your point is that all kits were viable on Plat with the use of equipment? You may want to re-read that first sentence if you think it said something different. 17. I didn't mind turrets, but I'll counter with the uselesness of designing MEA kits with powers that cancel their other powers (of which they only have three.) SMRT! 18. Oops, I didn't know you were actually tardycap'd. That's not fair, because you've turned my joke into a hate-crime! 19. So actual variety is worse than recycling a small number of powers? Oops, I'll go back and re-read my answer for 18 before I accidentally type something that makes me guilty of t'rr''rr'sm. It's not actually a mystery, it's both. 1. I believe i posted videos on youtube in Jan 2015 of vanguards floating up in the sky like enlightened beings. 2. Bronze heros like you do the impossible on Bronze. 3. Bronze heros like you do the impossible on Bronze. 5. Turians with all that REACH and FLEXIBILITY couldn't dodge AS THE LORE SUGGESTS. Krogans who fought thresher maws couldn't dodge. You understand NOTHING about balance and ME3 is a glorious embodiment of heavily imbalanced kits. 6. I'll board a Elon Musk spaceship and write you a letter from Mars about how flat your cranial matter looks. Hmm, i suddenly realize that its such a waste of time responding to the rest of your bull, i'll make it short.... 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 ,etc. You are a li'l boy who drank way too much ME3 Kool-Aid. It has hurt your neural network density way too much (irreversible). Good luck Lol l2count
Aug 22, 2016 19:29:11 GMT
Kenny Bania
These pretzels are making me thirsty!!!
August 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Jade Empire
Post by Kenny Bania on Oct 24, 2017 1:37:13 GMT
I expect it's a bit of a wash, what with the MP lootboxes being the reason for ME:A's existence in the first place. The real problem is that EA/BW Management believe (falsely) that the success of ME 3 MP was because MP is inherently more popular and lucrative for all genres/companies, rather than being specific to genres/companies. That cookie-cutter mentality prevented them from seeing that ME 3 MP's success was a cross-section of elements that included continuing to represent the diversity/lore of the single player campaign. Krogan had nuanced melee (especially the orgasmic Warlord.) Volus couldn't even interact with cover (not that I see how that is lore-friendly, so much as a practical concern, but the point is that a Volus didn't play like an Asari or anything else.) Every species had its own unique flavour. They didn't use cookie-cutter designs, even if there were some kits with heavy similarities/crossover (which were exceptions, rather than the rule.) When I try to remember which kits I preferred in ME:A, I have a hard time remembering them in those terms, because mostly they were slight variations on power setups. They all jumped the same, dodged the same, attacked the same, and 80% of them use an almost identical melee punch with slightly tweaked combat numbers. Honestly, if they'd had enough imagination to come up with a locomotion system that didn't work exactly the same for every species and character, I bet a lot of people would be playing through the other problems. I'd still be playing if it meant I could roll with a Volus or whack an enemy with a 3-hit hammer combo. Or something fast and deadly like a Shadow or Drell. Mind you, there were kits I never played that may have had some of those qualities, but if you're going to lock "gameplay variety" behind an Ultra-Rare paywall, you can't be surprised if I stop playing before I'm willing to spend money on gambling for a maybe-interesting-new kit. ME3MP Highlights: - Floating Off-host vangaurds - Stupid Slow Geth Melees (guaranteed to get you killed if you accidentally hit the melee button) - Non-Viable melees for any kit except the krogan - Hunter Mode that made you blind after 1 game. - Turian Soldier and Turian Sentinel couldn't dodge. Couldn't fucking dodge! Arnold Schwarznegger would have been more mobile perhaps. - Fat Krogans couldn't dodge. Couldn't fucking dodge! - None of the Krogans regen'd health AS THE LORE SUGGESTS! (expect for the warlord, you wouldn't last a second if you weren't in rage with the tank that he's supposed to be) - Useless Voluses = Platinum dead weights - OP Reegar Carbine. All scrubs couldn't last a second without it. Claymore? Nah, barely ever saw one on plat. - Enormously dumb passive trees, more health, more melee damage as you rank up the tree (unique powers were built into the passive trees in MEAMP) - No jet packs, keep running round and round between a buncha ugly lookin boxes put together. - Ugly maps - Dumber AI - Heavily imbalanced kits. A elite player with a quarian engineer could NOT beat a complete scrub running EDI with a Reegar Carbine. - No dive bomb AoE melees - Several softer kits could not last a plat round without cyc mod IV! Every kit on MEA has tools to survive on plat without shield mods. - Stupid useless turrets - No elemental tech - Poor skill tree evolutions/design on all powers ( if you compare the same power reintroduced in MEAMP) The only thing one would miss about ME3 is the Krogan Melee. Everything else is just plain inferior. Oh, i guess i gave a comprehensive analysis here too. it up kid. ME3MP is good, but, its inferior to MEAMP All I'm seeing here are L2P problems.
Deleted Member
Posts: 0
Nov 27, 2024 10:46:43 GMT
Nov 27, 2024 10:46:43 GMT
January 1970
Post by Deleted on Oct 24, 2017 2:35:22 GMT
I expect it's a bit of a wash, what with the MP lootboxes being the reason for ME:A's existence in the first place. The real problem is that EA/BW Management believe (falsely) that the success of ME 3 MP was because MP is inherently more popular and lucrative for all genres/companies, rather than being specific to genres/companies. That cookie-cutter mentality prevented them from seeing that ME 3 MP's success was a cross-section of elements that included continuing to represent the diversity/lore of the single player campaign. Krogan had nuanced melee (especially the orgasmic Warlord.) Volus couldn't even interact with cover (not that I see how that is lore-friendly, so much as a practical concern, but the point is that a Volus didn't play like an Asari or anything else.) Every species had its own unique flavour. They didn't use cookie-cutter designs, even if there were some kits with heavy similarities/crossover (which were exceptions, rather than the rule.) When I try to remember which kits I preferred in ME:A, I have a hard time remembering them in those terms, because mostly they were slight variations on power setups. They all jumped the same, dodged the same, attacked the same, and 80% of them use an almost identical melee punch with slightly tweaked combat numbers. Honestly, if they'd had enough imagination to come up with a locomotion system that didn't work exactly the same for every species and character, I bet a lot of people would be playing through the other problems. I'd still be playing if it meant I could roll with a Volus or whack an enemy with a 3-hit hammer combo. Or something fast and deadly like a Shadow or Drell. Mind you, there were kits I never played that may have had some of those qualities, but if you're going to lock "gameplay variety" behind an Ultra-Rare paywall, you can't be surprised if I stop playing before I'm willing to spend money on gambling for a maybe-interesting-new kit. ME3MP Highlights: - Floating Off-host vangaurds - Stupid Slow Geth Melees (guaranteed to get you killed if you accidentally hit the melee button) - Non-Viable melees for any kit except the krogan - Hunter Mode that made you blind after 1 game. - Turian Soldier and Turian Sentinel couldn't dodge. Couldn't fucking dodge! Arnold Schwarznegger would have been more mobile perhaps. - Fat Krogans couldn't dodge. Couldn't fucking dodge! - None of the Krogans regen'd health AS THE LORE SUGGESTS! (expect for the warlord, you wouldn't last a second if you weren't in rage with the tank that he's supposed to be) - Useless Voluses = Platinum dead weights - OP Reegar Carbine. All scrubs couldn't last a second without it. Claymore? Nah, barely ever saw one on plat. - Enormously dumb passive trees, more health, more melee damage as you rank up the tree (unique powers were built into the passive trees in MEAMP) - No jet packs, keep running round and round between a buncha ugly lookin boxes put together. - Ugly maps - Dumber AI - Heavily imbalanced kits. A elite player with a quarian engineer could NOT beat a complete scrub running EDI with a Reegar Carbine. - No dive bomb AoE melees - Several softer kits could not last a plat round without cyc mod IV! Every kit on MEA has tools to survive on plat without shield mods. - Stupid useless turrets - No elemental tech - Poor skill tree evolutions/design on all powers ( if you compare the same power reintroduced in MEAMP) The only thing one would miss about ME3 is the Krogan Melee. Everything else is just plain inferior. Oh, i guess i gave a comprehensive analysis here too. it up kid. ME3MP is good, but, its inferior to MEAMP While I agree that MEA gets a lot of undeserved hate, Your list of ME3's fuckups has some flaws: 1. Vanguard/Heaven or Hell glitch was patched within 2 months. 2. Git Gud? Geth melees only got you in trouble if you're surrounded. It stunned most enemies. How would you botch pressing the melee button anyways? I can see accidentally using a pack. 3. LOL Drell, LOL Geth, LOL QFI (1hk gold phantoms), LOL Batarians, LOL Shadow, LOL Slayer, LOL Tsent, LOL Armiger Turians, LOL Cabal, LOL Paladin (humanoid bully), LOL Fury, LOL Human Adept, LOL Vorcha, LOL Demolisher. Each of these kits can be a tyrant with melee builds. Stick n move and most cases there was ridiculous damage output. I'll agree that melee builds were glass canons and MEA has the idea down a bit better, but no matter what build you pick on MEA you'll always be a glass canon when you're being Observed, Annointed, Chosen, Raided, or Wraith'd. 4. HM blinding is very subjective. I typically played with moderately high contrast but it never bothered me. 5. That's the beauty of them! The trade off was being a tougher kit. It's the disconnect most have with MEA. Krogan dodging like they do is awkward and part of the reason why all character kits had relatively poor health/shields compared to ME3MP. It's balancing. 6. See above. Krogan were however among the fastest sprinters without mods or ninjas (Drell/AIU/Shadow) 7. B A L A N C I N G. Vanilla krogan had much higher damamge output via weapons and 'nades. Warlord is a bully who has the easiest to attain rage via running melee. Extreme survivability vs mooks and sub bosses. 8. You played with the wrong crowd. Volus are good at reviving, buffing, debuffing, and had top tier powersets. I was never much of a fan of them but they were fun to play. I've done multiple Volus only plats on PS3 and talk to my man EmanChrisB who EMBARASSED TGIs and GIs alike with Volus kits 9. Agreed. Rheegar Tarbiryan was overpowered cheese. If it had a bigger armor reduction and was UR it'd have been better balanced. Main drawback was the need to be up close and personal. 10. I agree here but my beef with MEA is that enemies do too much damage that it's hard to justify health/shields in most kits. 11. Gonna have to massively disagree there. Goddess, Hazard Ghost, Condor, Glacier, Hazard White are quite beautiful, well designed maps. MEA definitely has its share as well, with my personal favorite being Nimbus but Kett monochromatic architechture hold it back on the aesthetic front. Subjective. 12. Jet packs and verticality I'm a sucker for BUT in ME3 you don't need them as the maps weren't designed with them in mind. There were hills and ladders. I would love to play Condor with a jetpack though. 13. See 11 14. Again, I disagree here as well. The ai does its job well enough. They're far more manipulative in ME3 but in MEA we deal with retarded/tweaking asari who literally run circles around you without attacking, krogan who camp inside a hack zone when you're cloaked, and crackhead sharpshooters with built in aimbot. Silliness on both sides. 15. LMFAO. Ask anyone who's played with me what my QME was capable of. Or ask about how my Sabotuer topped a plat scoreboard with only 25 kills with AHF (1 of which was in Spectre). After I maxed my manifest I made it a habit to maximize the so-called low tier kits. Also I'd like to once again point to EmanChrisB and of course the esteemed QMR who made a QFI into a god on plat. 16. Drell don't need Cyclonics. WE've got dat Adredaline. Fast as fok boi. 17. Geoff turrets are portable shield generators capable of deep frying mooks and non shielded/barriered enemies. Cryo rocket turres are great at keeping unshielded mooks at bay. 18. In ME3, cryo rounds nor cryo blast and snap freeze lost their effects when a guy got incinerated. In fact, it made the meat moar tender. It had this things called fire/ice debuffing and worked with one another rather than against. MEA takes a massive L on this front. 19. Shield piercing Lash. Debuffing Recon Mine. Area Reave. Exploding Ballistic Blades. Half Blast Nova. Just to name a few... 20. No AOE dive bombing you say? Have I introduced you to The God TGI? How about Novaguard? Havoc Strike?
optics cuck
August 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, KOTOR, Mass Effect Andromeda
Post by Pearl on Oct 24, 2017 2:47:25 GMT
ME3MP Highlights: - Floating Off-host vangaurds - Stupid Slow Geth Melees (guaranteed to get you killed if you accidentally hit the melee button) - Non-Viable melees for any kit except the krogan - Hunter Mode that made you blind after 1 game. - Turian Soldier and Turian Sentinel couldn't dodge. Couldn't fucking dodge! Arnold Schwarznegger would have been more mobile perhaps. - Fat Krogans couldn't dodge. Couldn't fucking dodge! - None of the Krogans regen'd health AS THE LORE SUGGESTS! (expect for the warlord, you wouldn't last a second if you weren't in rage with the tank that he's supposed to be) - Useless Voluses = Platinum dead weights - OP Reegar Carbine. All scrubs couldn't last a second without it. Claymore? Nah, barely ever saw one on plat. - Enormously dumb passive trees, more health, more melee damage as you rank up the tree (unique powers were built into the passive trees in MEAMP) - No jet packs, keep running round and round between a buncha ugly lookin boxes put together. - Ugly maps - Dumber AI - Heavily imbalanced kits. A elite player with a quarian engineer could NOT beat a complete scrub running EDI with a Reegar Carbine. - No dive bomb AoE melees - Several softer kits could not last a plat round without cyc mod IV! Every kit on MEA has tools to survive on plat without shield mods. - Stupid useless turrets - No elemental tech - Poor skill tree evolutions/design on all powers ( if you compare the same power reintroduced in MEAMP) The only thing one would miss about ME3 is the Krogan Melee. Everything else is just plain inferior. Oh, i guess i gave a comprehensive analysis here too. it up kid. ME3MP is good, but, its inferior to MEAMP Jesus Christ dude. I hate saying this, but learn how to play a fucking game before you try to say how bad it is.
Deleted Member
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Nov 27, 2024 10:46:43 GMT
Nov 27, 2024 10:46:43 GMT
January 1970
Post by Deleted on Oct 24, 2017 2:52:23 GMT
I expect it's a bit of a wash, what with the MP lootboxes being the reason for ME:A's existence in the first place. The real problem is that EA/BW Management believe (falsely) that the success of ME 3 MP was because MP is inherently more popular and lucrative for all genres/companies, rather than being specific to genres/companies. That cookie-cutter mentality prevented them from seeing that ME 3 MP's success was a cross-section of elements that included continuing to represent the diversity/lore of the single player campaign. Krogan had nuanced melee (especially the orgasmic Warlord.) Volus couldn't even interact with cover (not that I see how that is lore-friendly, so much as a practical concern, but the point is that a Volus didn't play like an Asari or anything else.) Every species had its own unique flavour. They didn't use cookie-cutter designs, even if there were some kits with heavy similarities/crossover (which were exceptions, rather than the rule.) When I try to remember which kits I preferred in ME:A, I have a hard time remembering them in those terms, because mostly they were slight variations on power setups. They all jumped the same, dodged the same, attacked the same, and 80% of them use an almost identical melee punch with slightly tweaked combat numbers. Honestly, if they'd had enough imagination to come up with a locomotion system that didn't work exactly the same for every species and character, I bet a lot of people would be playing through the other problems. I'd still be playing if it meant I could roll with a Volus or whack an enemy with a 3-hit hammer combo. Or something fast and deadly like a Shadow or Drell. Mind you, there were kits I never played that may have had some of those qualities, but if you're going to lock "gameplay variety" behind an Ultra-Rare paywall, you can't be surprised if I stop playing before I'm willing to spend money on gambling for a maybe-interesting-new kit. Great post! Another factor in the success of ME3MP that would never be repeated - some people, myself included, were so disenfranchised by the endings that playing more SP before the DLCs came out was just not gonna happen, yet I still wanted to play Mass Effect (as usually I would immediately start a new playthrough with previous BW titles). So, I started playing the MP that I never wanted and argued against, and ended up loving it. That is lightning in a bottle - good luck catching it again. This is EXACTLY how I felt at the time. I wasn't a big doubter of MP because I was hoping it'd play like ME2 with the option for co-op in story mode but was pleasantly surprised big time regardless. I was on the verge of either trading ME3 in or snapping the disc. ME3MP saved this franchise or that game in a big way.
Space Pirate
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda, SWTOR, Dragon Age The Veilguard
Origin: Scathane
Posts: 1,539 Likes: 3,092
Space Pirate
Nov 27, 2024 10:22:00 GMT
May 2017
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda, SWTOR, Dragon Age The Veilguard
Post by Scathane on Oct 24, 2017 3:48:58 GMT
...were so disenfranchised by the endings... What a lovely word! It perfectly describes how I feel with regard to MEA...
Nov 21, 2019 19:10:23 GMT
Mar 21, 2017 22:38:29 GMT
March 2017
Post by onehitparry on Oct 24, 2017 3:51:04 GMT
I haven't finished the video yet, but based on what what I've seen I would say MP did a bit of both. MP in ME3 did a lot to show EA the profit that they could earn by making another ME MP game. So I'm sure that had some influence on their decision to approve MEA/push it through despite it's short comings rather than cancel. At the same time, it seems like ME3MP's success might have influenced the development of DAI and MEA for the worse (tack on some semblance of a MP component with loot crates just to earn more money post-purchase).
August 2016
Post by clips7 on Oct 24, 2017 4:34:28 GMT
I expect it's a bit of a wash, what with the MP lootboxes being the reason for ME:A's existence in the first place. The real problem is that EA/BW Management believe (falsely) that the success of ME 3 MP was because MP is inherently more popular and lucrative for all genres/companies, rather than being specific to genres/companies. That cookie-cutter mentality prevented them from seeing that ME 3 MP's success was a cross-section of elements that included continuing to represent the diversity/lore of the single player campaign. Krogan had nuanced melee (especially the orgasmic Warlord.) Volus couldn't even interact with cover (not that I see how that is lore-friendly, so much as a practical concern, but the point is that a Volus didn't play like an Asari or anything else.) Every species had its own unique flavour. They didn't use cookie-cutter designs, even if there were some kits with heavy similarities/crossover (which were exceptions, rather than the rule.) When I try to remember which kits I preferred in ME:A, I have a hard time remembering them in those terms, because mostly they were slight variations on power setups. They all jumped the same, dodged the same, attacked the same, and 80% of them use an almost identical melee punch with slightly tweaked combat numbers. Honestly, if they'd had enough imagination to come up with a locomotion system that didn't work exactly the same for every species and character, I bet a lot of people would be playing through the other problems. I'd still be playing if it meant I could roll with a Volus or whack an enemy with a 3-hit hammer combo. Or something fast and deadly like a Shadow or Drell. Mind you, there were kits I never played that may have had some of those qualities, but if you're going to lock "gameplay variety" behind an Ultra-Rare paywall, you can't be surprised if I stop playing before I'm willing to spend money on gambling for a maybe-interesting-new kit. Much RESPEC`...this is spot on! There is a much more variety seen in ME3 MP. Every kit has their own playing strengths and weaknesses. You have slow burly kits that move slow, but can take massive amounts of damage and you have your glass-cannons, that put out decent damage outputs, but are weak in damage resistance and then you have everything in between and then you have consumables to round out certain deficiencies that some kits might lack....there was a nice variety tho. I guess overall gameplay is smoother and more agile in Andromeda, but with everybody basically moving the same (jetpacks), save for power outputs, it feels/looks and plays almost like every other kit.
Apr 19, 2017 19:26:11 GMT
April 2017
Post by shinobiwan on Oct 24, 2017 11:52:32 GMT
I haven't finished the video yet, but based on what what I've seen I would say MP did a bit of both. MP in ME3 did a lot to show EA the profit that they could earn by making another ME MP game. So I'm sure that had some influence on their decision to approve MEA/push it through despite it's short comings rather than cancel. At the same time, it seems like ME3MP's success might have influenced the development of DAI and MEA for the worse (tack on some semblance of a MP component with loot crates just to earn more money post-purchase). The end of the video is Yong not understanding the point of a for-profit corporation (hint: it's profit), but Manveer's statements are interesting.
Space Pirate
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda, SWTOR, Dragon Age The Veilguard
Origin: Scathane
Posts: 1,539 Likes: 3,092
Space Pirate
Nov 27, 2024 10:22:00 GMT
May 2017
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda, SWTOR, Dragon Age The Veilguard
Post by Scathane on Oct 24, 2017 14:40:28 GMT
Plus, they're publicly traded stock, so this means EA is not in the position to promise its shareholders value next year or the year thereafter: stock prices would go down andd the money dries up. Heck, shareholders can even take the company (management) to court, fight for dividend there... and most likely win.
If interested, look up Ford vs. Dodge Bros. for one of America's famous cases to that end or read/watch The Corporation by Canadian Joel Bakan. Very enlightening...
Apr 19, 2017 19:26:11 GMT
April 2017
Post by shinobiwan on Oct 24, 2017 14:49:31 GMT
Plus, they're publicly traded stock, so this means EA is not in the position to promise its shareholders value next year or the year thereafter: stock prices would go down andd the money dries up. Heck, shareholders can even take the company (management) to court, fight for dividend there... and most likely win. If interested, look up Ford vs. Dodge Bros. for one of America's famous cases to that end or read/watch The Corporation by Canadian Joel Bakan. Very enlightening... That's . . . not entirely accurate. The goal is to maximize stockholder value for the long term. And short term stock price increases don't increase the amount of money the company has available. EA also has enough releases every year that it's not really an issue like that, as it may be for a small or privately held studio. The dividend issue is also more complex than that. EA is a growth company, not a dividend machine like an energy co master limited partnership or yieldco. You buy the stock primarily to see it grow in price then sell.
Space Pirate
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda, SWTOR, Dragon Age The Veilguard
Origin: Scathane
Posts: 1,539 Likes: 3,092
Space Pirate
Nov 27, 2024 10:22:00 GMT
May 2017
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda, SWTOR, Dragon Age The Veilguard
Post by Scathane on Oct 24, 2017 15:30:29 GMT
Plus, they're publicly traded stock, so this means EA is not in the position to promise its shareholders value next year or the year thereafter: stock prices would go down andd the money dries up. Heck, shareholders can even take the company (management) to court, fight for dividend there... and most likely win. If interested, look up Ford vs. Dodge Bros. for one of America's famous cases to that end or read/watch The Corporation by Canadian Joel Bakan. Very enlightening... That's . . . not entirely accurate. The goal is to maximize stockholder value for the long term. And short term stock price increases don't increase the amount of money the company has available. EA also has enough releases every year that it's not really an issue like that, as it may be for a small or privately held studio. The dividend issue is also more complex than that. EA is a growth company, not a dividend machine like an energy co master limited partnership or yieldco. You buy the stock primarily to see it grow in price then sell. Sure, in just those few sentences, I may have oversimplified somewhat. Yet, basically, shareholders always own the company and thus are primarily entitled its profits. But more importantly, it's publicly traded so the market will do as it pleases, regardless of a company's planned way to make profit. Of course, with EA, it's also true that (probably considerable) portions of the stock are in the hands of investment firms (as those quarterly conference call minutes show) and they might well be in it for a longer run. Yet, when a company does an IPO and goes public, they know it will supply them with large amounts of cash (provided the IPO succeeds) but they also know they're handing over at least some (long-term) control because their stock price is now a commodity on the stock market. To be more clear, perhaps: I'm not trying to say you can't have long term strategies with a publicly traded company but rather that there has to be a regular recurring dividend plan in place. And to be able to pay dividend, there has to be profit. And, lastly, I do agree with you that there are large differences in strategy between all kinds of publicly traded companies. Btw, I've used the word 'profit' so much in this post, I feel like a Ferengi...
Nov 15, 2024 18:18:41 GMT
Pounce de León
Praise the Justicat!
August 2016
Post by Pounce de León on Oct 24, 2017 15:40:50 GMT
Plus, they're publicly traded stock, so this means EA is not in the position to promise its shareholders value next year or the year thereafter: stock prices would go down andd the money dries up. Heck, shareholders can even take the company (management) to court, fight for dividend there... and most likely win. If interested, look up Ford vs. Dodge Bros. for one of America's famous cases to that end or read/watch The Corporation by Canadian Joel Bakan. Very enlightening... There is no money flow from shareholders to companies unless the company issues new shares against cash. And while you can sue for any shit in the US it seems, corporate commander has extensive liberties to conduct the affairs of the company without having Joe shareholder having to consent to every step they make and that includes dividend policies. Anyway, didvidends is what is decided at the AGM.
Space Pirate
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda, SWTOR, Dragon Age The Veilguard
Origin: Scathane
Posts: 1,539 Likes: 3,092
Space Pirate
Nov 27, 2024 10:22:00 GMT
May 2017
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda, SWTOR, Dragon Age The Veilguard
Post by Scathane on Oct 24, 2017 15:58:31 GMT
Plus, they're publicly traded stock, so this means EA is not in the position to promise its shareholders value next year or the year thereafter: stock prices would go down andd the money dries up. Heck, shareholders can even take the company (management) to court, fight for dividend there... and most likely win. If interested, look up Ford vs. Dodge Bros. for one of America's famous cases to that end or read/watch The Corporation by Canadian Joel Bakan. Very enlightening... There is no money flow from shareholders to companies unless the company issues new shares against cash. And while you can sue for any shit in the US it seems, corporate commander has extensive liberties to conduct the affairs of the company without having Joe shareholder having to consent to every step they make and that includes dividend policies. Anyway, didvidends is what is decided at the AGM. Yes, I realise that companies don't part-take in the money flow that comes with trading stock (it happens but not as a rule). Yet stock price is a the measuring stick for the financial health of a publicly traded company. To give an example: every company, no matter how large, is (partially) dependent on bank loans or other forms of loan capital. I can assure you your stock price on the market matters when you knock on such doors. Another example might be that you get taken over by a larger, better performing company if your stock price goes too low. As a rule of thumb, if you can't promise dividend on a regular basis, your stock may well become uninteresting. And, perhaps the most important one: although - as you say - management of a publicly owned company is generally given more than ample room to freely conduct that company in the western world, if stock prices under-perform, shareholders may well start to look for a change of management, which would then also be decided upon in a annual special shareholders meeting...
Dec 22, 2017 23:13:25 GMT
June 2017
Post by seductivewizard on Oct 24, 2017 16:35:03 GMT
ME3MP Highlights: - Floating Off-host vangaurds - Stupid Slow Geth Melees (guaranteed to get you killed if you accidentally hit the melee button) - Non-Viable melees for any kit except the krogan - Hunter Mode that made you blind after 1 game. - Turian Soldier and Turian Sentinel couldn't dodge. Couldn't fucking dodge! Arnold Schwarznegger would have been more mobile perhaps. - Fat Krogans couldn't dodge. Couldn't fucking dodge! - None of the Krogans regen'd health AS THE LORE SUGGESTS! (expect for the warlord, you wouldn't last a second if you weren't in rage with the tank that he's supposed to be) - Useless Voluses = Platinum dead weights - OP Reegar Carbine. All scrubs couldn't last a second without it. Claymore? Nah, barely ever saw one on plat. - Enormously dumb passive trees, more health, more melee damage as you rank up the tree (unique powers were built into the passive trees in MEAMP) - No jet packs, keep running round and round between a buncha ugly lookin boxes put together. - Ugly maps - Dumber AI - Heavily imbalanced kits. A elite player with a quarian engineer could NOT beat a complete scrub running EDI with a Reegar Carbine. - No dive bomb AoE melees - Several softer kits could not last a plat round without cyc mod IV! Every kit on MEA has tools to survive on plat without shield mods. - Stupid useless turrets - No elemental tech - Poor skill tree evolutions/design on all powers ( if you compare the same power reintroduced in MEAMP) The only thing one would miss about ME3 is the Krogan Melee. Everything else is just plain inferior. Oh, i guess i gave a comprehensive analysis here too. it up kid. ME3MP is good, but, its inferior to MEAMP While I agree that MEA gets a lot of undeserved hate, Your list of ME3's fuckups has some flaws: 1. Vanguard/Heaven or Hell glitch was patched within 2 months. 2. Git Gud? Geth melees only got you in trouble if you're surrounded. It stunned most enemies. How would you botch pressing the melee button anyways? I can see accidentally using a pack. 3. LOL Drell, LOL Geth, LOL QFI (1hk gold phantoms), LOL Batarians, LOL Shadow, LOL Slayer, LOL Tsent, LOL Armiger Turians, LOL Cabal, LOL Paladin (humanoid bully), LOL Fury, LOL Human Adept, LOL Vorcha, LOL Demolisher. Each of these kits can be a tyrant with melee builds. Stick n move and most cases there was ridiculous damage output. I'll agree that melee builds were glass canons and MEA has the idea down a bit better, but no matter what build you pick on MEA you'll always be a glass canon when you're being Observed, Annointed, Chosen, Raided, or Wraith'd. 4. HM blinding is very subjective. I typically played with moderately high contrast but it never bothered me. 5. That's the beauty of them! The trade off was being a tougher kit. It's the disconnect most have with MEA. Krogan dodging like they do is awkward and part of the reason why all character kits had relatively poor health/shields compared to ME3MP. It's balancing. 6. See above. Krogan were however among the fastest sprinters without mods or ninjas (Drell/AIU/Shadow) 7. B A L A N C I N G. Vanilla krogan had much higher damamge output via weapons and 'nades. Warlord is a bully who has the easiest to attain rage via running melee. Extreme survivability vs mooks and sub bosses. 8. You played with the wrong crowd. Volus are good at reviving, buffing, debuffing, and had top tier powersets. I was never much of a fan of them but they were fun to play. I've done multiple Volus only plats on PS3 and talk to my man EmanChrisB who EMBARASSED TGIs and GIs alike with Volus kits 9. Agreed. Rheegar Tarbiryan was overpowered cheese. If it had a bigger armor reduction and was UR it'd have been better balanced. Main drawback was the need to be up close and personal. 10. I agree here but my beef with MEA is that enemies do too much damage that it's hard to justify health/shields in most kits. 11. Gonna have to massively disagree there. Goddess, Hazard Ghost, Condor, Glacier, Hazard White are quite beautiful, well designed maps. MEA definitely has its share as well, with my personal favorite being Nimbus but Kett monochromatic architechture hold it back on the aesthetic front. Subjective. 12. Jet packs and verticality I'm a sucker for BUT in ME3 you don't need them as the maps weren't designed with them in mind. There were hills and ladders. I would love to play Condor with a jetpack though. 13. See 11 14. Again, I disagree here as well. The ai does its job well enough. They're far more manipulative in ME3 but in MEA we deal with retarded/tweaking asari who literally run circles around you without attacking, krogan who camp inside a hack zone when you're cloaked, and crackhead sharpshooters with built in aimbot. Silliness on both sides. 15. LMFAO. Ask anyone who's played with me what my QME was capable of. Or ask about how my Sabotuer topped a plat scoreboard with only 25 kills with AHF (1 of which was in Spectre). After I maxed my manifest I made it a habit to maximize the so-called low tier kits. Also I'd like to once again point to EmanChrisB and of course the esteemed QMR who made a QFI into a god on plat. 16. Drell don't need Cyclonics. WE've got dat Adredaline. Fast as fok boi. 17. Geoff turrets are portable shield generators capable of deep frying mooks and non shielded/barriered enemies. Cryo rocket turres are great at keeping unshielded mooks at bay. 18. In ME3, cryo rounds nor cryo blast and snap freeze lost their effects when a guy got incinerated. In fact, it made the meat moar tender. It had this things called fire/ice debuffing and worked with one another rather than against. MEA takes a massive L on this front. 19. Shield piercing Lash. Debuffing Recon Mine. Area Reave. Exploding Ballistic Blades. Half Blast Nova. Just to name a few... 20. No AOE dive bombing you say? Have I introduced you to The God TGI? How about Novaguard? Havoc Strike? I PLAY PLATINUM ONLY. All my responses will be tailored for platinum gameplay. You can do a buncha stupid shit on lower difficulties and get away with it. So, we’ll stick with platinum for this discussion. 1. I posted videos of floating vangaurds in 2015. Bullshit didn't get fixed. 2,3 & 20. The krogan Vangaurd alone has viable melee builds on platinum. In fact, I ran platinum solos with the Krogaurd doing Melees alone (played it like how a krogan should). I’ve seen other solos with a reegar carbine posted by other dummies. A krogan that never melee’d and used a reegar carbine all day?!?! L2P, my ASS. Batarian Melee really? Try a melee build (sacrifice health), but keep meleeing on platinum and you will scraping the pavement fast. And yeah, you may melee with a turian once a while, whoop di doo. The fact that ALL characters have AoE dive melees is great. ME3 restricted it to a few (the jetpack turians, etc) MEA has interesting melees that can be enchanced through specific evolutions on the passive tree. Shield regen from melee attacks (asari barrier evolution), health regen, Ice Melees (salarian operator, which can be detonated). Creates interesting variations of gameplay. 4. Hunter Mode was extremely harsh on the eyes. I could barely play the Geth I and Geth E because of this. If a person’s physically uncomfortable using a power, it oughta be thrown out. If you're already a blind bat, it doesn't matter i suppose. 5, 6, 7, 8. The buffoon earlier made a point that ME3MP stuck to the lore. My point was that it didn’t stick to the stinking lore. Turians with all that reach couldn’t dodge. Krogans couldn’t fucking Regen. No, it didn’t stick to the stinking lore. Balancing to me means that every kit should have comparable damage output, if you capitalize on their key strengths and play smart. MEA has done that really well. On platinum, A sal Architect can outscore a human soldier if you play him smart. A human engineer can outscore any other high damage kit out there if you play her smart. This is NOT the case with ME3MP. You could be a elite player who knows all the tricks. But, try outscoring a complete scrub running EDI with a reegar carbine with a silly fucking volus or a salarian engineer, etc. 9. Think this is settled. 10. The AI is more difficult to outwit in MEA. And there is very little tolerance for error. My most used kits on plat are the human Eng and the Sal Architect. Your skill level goes up exponentially when you the bring the softest kits to the plat difficulty level. 11, 12, 13, 14. Ugly maps, ugly graphics, granted its an older game. I spend a lot on high end GPUs and hardware. When more eye candy shows up, I leave the ugly shit behind. Verticality is amazing dude. For instance, When you lossless 24bit 192 khz flac music, you throw your stupid stereo and cds in the garbage dude. When you see better graphics, beautiful maps, verticality, etc throw the old stupid ME3 boxes out. It served its purpose back then, not anymore. But, I guess some retro dummies would still love playing Pacman on a dos pc. 15. See above (under response to 5 through 8) 16. Do a plat solo without a cyc mod IV on your drull. Be fast as fuck and see what happens Sherlock. You’ll be crapping all over yourself fast as fuck. 17. Useless Turrets. The assault turret (omni link, cryo debuff) and the Remnant VI (detonations, insane health) are way more viable than ME3’s shit turrets. 18. Yep cryo and fire effects cancel each other out as they should. Basic fucking common sense! When you’re in a lobby, pick kits that synergize with each other and don’t be a complete moron is what Bioware attempted to say there. 19, 20. BACKLASH!!! BARRICADE!!! FLAK CANNON!!! STEALTH GRID!!! ETC ETC ETC Entire powers built into the passive trees in MEA (tech sabotage, elemental tech, etc). You couldn't ignore the passive trees like you could in ME3. Head to Head comparison of the same powers that were reintroduced MEAMP: Rage Health Regen for ALL krogans, Beserker (low health auto-rage initiation), inspirational (squad DR). Rage is triggered from weapon/melee/power kills within a radius. PASS ME3MP Rage More health/DR or Melee damage as you go up the tree. Only the Warlord regens health. None of the other krogans do. Rage is only triggered with melee kills. FAIL MEAMP Fortify Rank 6 with AOE stun primer is like a whole new power in the tree. PASS ME3MP Fortification: FAIL MEAMP Combat Fitness DR in cover, DR while evading/aerial, HOLD THE LINE (nuff said) PASS ME3MP Fitness More health or melee damage as you go up the tree. Boring. FAIL MEAMP Turbocharge Accuracy stability bonuses, dump heat (+ clip size), rate of fire bonuses, more options for different weapon types. PASS ME3MP Marksman Accuracy/firing rate bonuses increase as you go up the tree. Boring. FAIL MEAMP Tech Armor Reactive Armor ! (nuff said), Weapon Stability Accuracy Bonuses. TIE ME3MP Tech Armor Purge armor for AOE damage, power/melee bonuses. TIE MEAMP Cryo Beam Cryo Trap (cover corridors completely for mass AOE debuff, elemental tech and tech sabotage on large groups of enemies) , 115 % armor debuff bonuses, snap freeze. PASS ME3MP Cryo Blast FAIL MEAMP Energy Drain 8 meter radius on aux drain, Team drain for good squad support, extended drain. PASS ME3MP Energy drain 3 meter impact radius, DR. FAIL MEAMP Overload Synergy with elemental tech, tech sabotage, radius/duration evolutions. PASS ME3MP Overload. FAIL MEAMP Recon Mine – Detonator, Stunner/shields ME3MP - Fail SEDUCTIVE WIZARD - PASS ONI - FAIL
Nov 21, 2019 19:10:23 GMT
Mar 21, 2017 22:38:29 GMT
March 2017
Post by onehitparry on Oct 24, 2017 17:02:39 GMT
The end of the video is Yong not understanding the point of a for-profit corporation (hint: it's profit), but Manveer's statements are interesting. Oof. Sorry about that. I was at work trying to get a lot of stuff done. I posted the video out of convenience, and because I liked his analysis of Manveer's comments. His comments about how business should run are a separate issue. The contention between social (non-financial) and financial responsibilities is certainly worth discussing, but was not what I meant to emphasize.