Dec 12, 2024 22:44:48 GMT
Andrew Waples
August 2016
Post by Andrew Waples on Feb 11, 2020 0:16:59 GMT
I don't know if this has been confirmed or not (haven't been keeping up with news/rumors), but the ending of Trespasser does hint will be going to Tevinter. Even without that, there's so much setup for Tevinter in DA4 that, you know talk about a 180 and not have it be in Tevinter. The Qunari/Tevinter war has been going off and on with no clear winner. Maybe deciding who wins will help stop Solas? Whether or not to use the cure to reverse tranquility. This will almost be the DA's version of the genophage. So, basically dedcing if you want to help the Templars or Mages. What do with the Elves/Solas and obviously Solas.
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Nov 19, 2019 14:29:21 GMT
November 2019
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Post by Mithras on Feb 11, 2020 0:59:46 GMT
I'm quite certain that Bioware is done with the Mage-Templar conflict. They allowed the Inquisition to fully side with one group over the other in order for all fans to get the resolution that they preferred and then completely 180'ed it by making sure that there is always both a Circle and a College in all worlds, rendering much of what we did meaningless. That's as sure a sign as any that they're done with that plot point. Any conflict involving magic in DA4 will probably be class based instead, and focus on the conflict between the Mage elite of the Imperium and its non-magical underclass.
"Abso-fraggin-lutely!" ~ Captain John Sheridan and Satai Delenn
September 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, Baldur's Gate, Mass Effect Andromeda, SWTOR
Post by Absafraginlootly on Feb 11, 2020 6:31:35 GMT
I don't think we'll get to decide who wins the qunari/tevinter war. Primarily because from the qunari perspective it's a qunari/thedas war and they're just hitting tevinter first because no one will help them for fear of violating the Llomerryn accords. And both the choice to assasinate all the south leaders after the breach and the dialogue of qunari characters we've spoken to indicates that converting all thedas is still the end game. Codex entry: The Llomerryn Accords: 50 years. That's how long it took the Imperium to drive out the Qunari occupation. But the rest of Northern Thedas was not so lucky.
Both Divines, white and black, declared Exalted Marches and for the only time since the Schism of the Chantry, they worked together. A century-long siege resulted, with the giant Qunari entrenched in Antiva and Rivain, and all of Thedas throwing armies against them.
The war drained the resources of every nation in Thedas, leaving most on the brink of collapse. For the giants, it did not appear to be the damage to their armada or the loss of their soldiers, but the terrible toll upon the Rivaini population that prompted their retreat. When the Third New Exalted March had all but massacred the people of Kont-aar without even chipping the Qunari occupying force, the giants finally withdrew.
The treaty that put an official end to the Qunari Wars was signed on the politically neutral island of Llomerryn off the southern coast of Rivain. 150 years after the assault on the mainland began, the Qunari left our shores. They received the northern archipelago in exchange for cessation of hostilities against all the nations on the accord. Only Tevinter refused to sign, and so the war continues to rage in the Imperium to the present day.
It's worth noting, however, that the Kingdom of Rivain immediately violated the treaty. Twice. Once, when the humans of northern Rivain—nearly all practitioners of the Qun and therefore by definition, "Qunari"—refused to leave their homes and go in exile to the islands. And again, when the Rivain Chantry and nationalist forces, unable to convert its people back to the worship of the Maker, tried a purge by the sword, slaughtering countless unarmed people and burying them in mass graves. It's a fortunate mystery that the leaders in Kont-aar did not alert their allies in the Northern Passage, or we'd still be fighting the giants now.
—From The Exalted Marches: An Examination of Chantry Warfare, by Sister Petrine, Chantry scholar The qunari were fought back by the combined forces of all of thedas while they were trying to invade/hold multiple territories. I'm not so sure Tevinter can win against the Qunari on their own. Let alone in such a decisive way that a pc can choose the outcome by deciding who to side with/help. Which is not to say we won't be able to affect it at all. We might be able to effect a particular battle, help one side in the battle for a city (or seheron?) in exchange for their help, thus affecting who has control of that particular place in the future. But decide the war? I'd be surprised, The Qunari Invasion 2: Electric Boogaloo is likely to take years (decades? the first one was a century and a half), extending past tevinter into other countries and probably be something that is continuing to happen during another game/s even if that game/s aren't about it.
July 2017
Post by river82 on Feb 11, 2020 7:39:39 GMT
I'm quite certain that Bioware is done with the Mage-Templar conflict. And thank God for that TBH.
"Abso-fraggin-lutely!" ~ Captain John Sheridan and Satai Delenn
September 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, Baldur's Gate, Mass Effect Andromeda, SWTOR
Post by Absafraginlootly on Feb 11, 2020 8:52:05 GMT
Some decisions I could see us making though? - Doing favours for a Magister for help/information but who we do favors for will strengthen them and their political policies. eg. A powerful Altus might be able to do more for you but perhaps this less powerful one has goals you can more easily stomach? Or maybe you want to take a risk and help the Laetan finally get a 4th seat?
- Making a choice that will affect the balance of power between the two houses of the Imperial Senate: the mostly Altus mages of the Magisterium and the elected bureacratic body of the Publicaniam, Soporati who have no true power. Yet.
- Choosing whether to aid slaves -
- whether subtely by aiding an underground railroad to help some to freedom,
- by leveraging the war to gain better rights for slaves and/or liberati,
- or through straight up slave rebellion. Fun, but trickier if its optional as opposed to a key part of the plot.
[/ul] Though perhaps you could add a third option to my proposed scenario in my previous post. Instead of helping tevinter or qunari forces in a battle for a location - deliver the location to the rebellion (whether a city to the slave rebellion or seheron to its natives) but at the cost of the aid you would have received from the Tevinter or Qunari forces.
- The option to make a deal with an ancient being (a titan? an untainted old god? an evanuris?) for knowledge and/or power to help challenge fen'harel. The consequences of whatever they want in return may be steep, so to the cost of facing him without their aid.
I expect there will be choices we can't even guess at because they will relate to lore reveals we don't even know about. Since we don't know much more about the plot then: Tevinter/Red lyrium idol/Solas/Veil, it's hard to know which of these posibilities might be plausible and which ones are laughably implausible.
Elvis Has Left The Building
Oct 31, 2020 23:57:02 GMT
Apr 18, 2017 15:57:34 GMT
April 2017
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Mass Effect Andromeda
Post by pessimistpanda on Feb 11, 2020 10:32:41 GMT
I expect the plot will be along the same lines as the usual ancient magic blah blah gather aid from various factions etc.
To that end, the choices will probably be stuff like progressive mages vs traditionalist mages, elves vs some jerk who hates elves, that sort of thing. It'll probably turn out that the progressive mages are making extremely helpful advances but the magic is fueled by mass infanticide or some dumb shit. And Ser Elf-hater will turn out to have an elf torture dungeon under his manor, but "an elf killed his mother, so how can you blame him?!"
Nov 27, 2017 14:40:55 GMT
Nov 25, 2017 22:12:36 GMT
November 2017
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Mass Effect Andromeda, SWTOR
Post by warden on Feb 11, 2020 21:49:07 GMT
be available to murder knife everyone I desire.
Nov 13, 2024 14:01:40 GMT
Aug 26, 2016 22:27:12 GMT
August 2016
Post by isaidlunch on Feb 11, 2020 22:07:01 GMT
They haven't given a convincing reason to oppose Solas, so siding with him should be an option.
Hanako Ikezawa
August 2016
Post by Hanako Ikezawa on Feb 11, 2020 22:11:19 GMT
They haven't given a convincing reason to oppose Solas, so siding with him should be an option. Everyone dying, yourself included, is a pretty convincing reason.
Apr 17, 2017 16:08:05 GMT
April 2017
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Post by biggydx on Feb 12, 2020 0:30:34 GMT
They haven't given a convincing reason to oppose Solas, so siding with him should be an option. Everyone dying, yourself included, is a pretty convincing reason. Yeah, but come on now. What WOULDN'T you sacrifice for that egg-shaped lovin'?
Trouble-shooting Space Diva
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Post by melbella on Feb 12, 2020 1:35:52 GMT
How about, does this outfit make my arms look too skinny? Or broken? Should I wear this helmet that totally replaces my hair so I now look bald? No? Oh, are we talking about plot choices instead?
Hanako Ikezawa
August 2016
Post by Hanako Ikezawa on Feb 12, 2020 1:42:37 GMT
Everyone dying, yourself included, is a pretty convincing reason. Yeah, but come on now. What WOULDN'T you sacrifice for that egg-shaped lovin'? Me personally? I wouldn’t sacrifice anything.
Apr 22, 2017 19:25:27 GMT
"A person of any mental quality has ideas of his own. This is common sense." Franz Liszt
August 2016
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Post by Onecrazymonkey1 on Feb 12, 2020 2:42:38 GMT
They haven't given a convincing reason to oppose Solas, so siding with him should be an option. Everyone dying, yourself included, is a pretty convincing reason. I wouldn't mind the option being there, if it were followed by a game over screen.
Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda, SWTOR
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March 2017
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Post by revelationeffect on Feb 25, 2020 3:43:34 GMT
It'd be pretty neat if they did a thing where you could side with Solas in a similar style to Shadowrun Dragonfall, where it actually plays it out and you see the effects of it firsthand, probably also requiring you to kill your party in the process.
Elvis Has Left The Building
Oct 31, 2020 23:57:02 GMT
Apr 18, 2017 15:57:34 GMT
April 2017
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Mass Effect Andromeda
Post by pessimistpanda on Feb 26, 2020 22:27:30 GMT
Everyone dying, yourself included, is a pretty convincing reason. Yeah, but come on now. What WOULDN'T you sacrifice for that egg-shaped lovin'? I could swear I've already seen this EXACT exchange in a different thread, months or even a year earlier. So either I've finally snapped or we've truly run out of things to talk about and have cycled back to the beginning again. The only choice I want in Dragon Age is for the next game to not take SEVEN FUCKING YEARS.
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Aug 17, 2016 10:19:37 GMT
August 2016
Post by colfoley on Feb 27, 2020 7:20:07 GMT
Yeah, but come on now. What WOULDN'T you sacrifice for that egg-shaped lovin'? I could swear I've already seen this EXACT exchange in a different thread, months or even a year earlier. So either I've finally snapped or we've truly run out of things to talk about and have cycled back to the beginning again. The only choice I want in Dragon Age is for the next game to not take SEVEN FUCKING YEARS. You should see the Star Wars thread, we cycle back to the beginning every other week. Anyways to the issue at hand...or at least this comment chain. I think both sides present a problem. Obviously we should get the option to join Solas for many different reasons...but Hanako is right: Taking him at face value and going to support him would probably lead to mass genocide on a level never before seen.
Elvis Has Left The Building
Oct 31, 2020 23:57:02 GMT
Apr 18, 2017 15:57:34 GMT
April 2017
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Mass Effect Andromeda
Post by pessimistpanda on Feb 27, 2020 9:29:10 GMT
I could swear I've already seen this EXACT exchange in a different thread, months or even a year earlier. So either I've finally snapped or we've truly run out of things to talk about and have cycled back to the beginning again. The only choice I want in Dragon Age is for the next game to not take SEVEN FUCKING YEARS. You should see the Star Wars thread, we cycle back to the beginning every other week. Anyways to the issue at hand...or at least this comment chain. I think both sides present a problem. Obviously we should get the option to join Solas for many different reasons...but Hanako is right: Taking him at face value and going to support him would probably lead to mass genocide on a level never before seen. Seeing as how the world he describes is so massively different from how Thedas operates NOW, to the point that it might as well be another planet, I don't see how they can possibly accomodate the choice. Or if they DO allow it, it ultimately won't impact whether or not he succeeds or fails.
July 2017
Post by river82 on Feb 27, 2020 12:30:32 GMT
The only choice I want in Dragon Age is for the next game to not take SEVEN FUCKING YEARS. Could be worse ... could be like Duke Nukem Forever and take 15 years
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May 13, 2021 21:39:13 GMT
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March 2020
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Post by jackdawyt on Mar 20, 2020 17:18:22 GMT
Based on Tevinter Night's events, I think we could have a choice between the Qunari Ben-Hassrath and Tevinter Siccari's support. Both are their own network of spies, however, they express very different views. The Qunari are currently the best-informed faction with knowledge regarding Solas, they are constantly on track with his movements.
Whereas Tevinter are fighting for their home, if Solas wins, their land is lost to him. Therefore, both factions will be against Solas, it's just a question of, who do we side with? Who will suit us better?
Hanako Ikezawa
August 2016
Post by Hanako Ikezawa on Mar 20, 2020 17:50:55 GMT
Based on Tevinter Night's events, I think we could have a choice between the Qunari Ben-Hassrath and Tevinter Siccari's support. Both are their own network of spies, however, they express very different views. The Qunari are currently the best-informed faction with knowledge regarding Solas, they are constantly on track with his movements. Whereas Tevinter are fighting for their home, if Solas wins, their land is lost to him. Therefore, both factions will be against Solas, it's just a question of, who do we side with? Who will suit us better? Hopefully there is an option to get both. I wasn’t a fan of how like with the Mage/Templar conflict it was one or the other. I’d much prefer like the Geth/Quarian situation where there is a third route but you have to work at it to get it.
Dec 12, 2024 22:37:43 GMT
Sept 6, 2016 10:00:37 GMT
September 2016
Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, Neverwinter Nights, Mass Effect Andromeda, Dragon Age The Veilguard
Post by witchcocktor on Mar 21, 2020 0:51:29 GMT
Based on Tevinter Night's events, I think we could have a choice between the Qunari Ben-Hassrath and Tevinter Siccari's support. Both are their own network of spies, however, they express very different views. The Qunari are currently the best-informed faction with knowledge regarding Solas, they are constantly on track with his movements. Whereas Tevinter are fighting for their home, if Solas wins, their land is lost to him. Therefore, both factions will be against Solas, it's just a question of, who do we side with? Who will suit us better? So what would happen to the other faction that we do not '' side '' with? They just run to their deaths or stab us in the back? I don't know, this seems like a pretty bad way to go about things, when we need the support of every possible faction there is. Though in the end, I don't think we'll be siding with entire factions, but people.
ღ I am a golem. Obviously.
Gotta be kiddin me
August 2016
Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, Dragon Age The Veilguard
Post by phoray on Mar 22, 2020 4:05:25 GMT
You should see the Star Wars thread, we cycle back to the beginning every other week. Anyways to the issue at hand...or at least this comment chain. I think both sides present a problem. Obviously we should get the option to join Solas for many different reasons...but Hanako is right: Taking him at face value and going to support him would probably lead to mass genocide on a level never before seen. Seeing as how the world he describes is so massively different from how Thedas operates NOW, to the point that it might as well be another planet, I don't see how they can possibly accomodate the choice. Or if they DO allow it, it ultimately won't impact whether or not he succeeds or fails. I mean, doesn't Mass effect 2 technically not let you import a dead Shepard save if Shepard dies in 2? It could just mean, ya, you sided with Solas. This is the cataclysm you wanted. This world state is possible but will be entirely ignored for DA5
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Aug 28, 2017 10:17:49 GMT
August 2017
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The Ascendent
Post by theascendent on Mar 24, 2020 23:08:56 GMT
Join Solas or not? Swtor introduced the idea of a saboteur in the latest story so it's something to work from. This offer should be Elf exclusive obviously so give the other races an equally tempting but morally ambiguous choice. Really get yourself invested in your character and make you question your priorities and ethics.
is wanting to have some fun!
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May 14, 2017 17:50:43 GMT
is wanting to have some fun!
August 2016
Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda, Mass Effect Legendary Edition
cyberstrike nTo
Post by Cyberstrike on Apr 9, 2020 14:55:05 GMT
If the game starts with the PC as the newest member of the Senate I could see some decisions:
1) Political party/faction allegiance. Status Quo/reformer/political revolutionary.
2) Slavery. Do you have slaves and how well do you treat them? Maybe you can free them and pay them as servants or treat them very well but this cost you a portion of your fortune so you have to some quests for money. If you do this maybe they will help you if there is a slave rebellion. Don't free them and/or treat them badly and they will want to kill you the first chance they get.
3) The war with Qunari. Do you support war or peace.
4) Trading with Kal Shock the other dwarven kingdom or other nations or is it going to be Tenvinter first?
I think that is enough, if you start the game as a magister then the game is going to have to deal with politics probably more than any other BioWare game to date and the DA games have always been highly political to begin with.
Games: Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Baldur's Gate
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October 2016
Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Baldur's Gate
Post by bear on Apr 9, 2020 18:36:34 GMT
I could see allying with/formenting discord among (common) elves who decided to throw their lot in with Solas, but are having/made to have second thoughts. Conflict of interest between pleasing Tevinter nobles and the rebellious slaves.
I'd to see a return of player origins, where each origin's character has to make a origin-specific decision. For example, if there's an option of playing a Tevinter noble background PC, you could get a decision to ally either with a family allied to Dorian Pavus' faction or a more traditionalist one. If the player origin was a slave, I'd like a choice between killing a slaver company (the moral choice being related to the slaver company's family -whether they live, die, or are sold off into slavery and all the freemen get a cut...).